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____|_______________________ |________| _______________________|____
___| | | |___
/|_|__|_ Blueprint-PCB _|__|_|\
| | (c) DownStream Technologies | |
| |
| .. |
| 0-0229xx.zip .. filename : : type ...... util |
| December 30, 2008 ...... date : : language .. english |
| Windows ........ os : : disks ..... 34 |
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| description |
.:. .:.
:.:. BluePrint is a dynamic new solution, developed in the .:.:
`..: style of Microsoft Office that quickly creates electronic :..'
drawings to drive PCB fabrication and assembly. BluePrint
.knows. it is creating a PCB document and imports PCB CAD
data to automatically create and intelligently link PCB
Views, details, document notes, external documents, URLs
and multi-media content. The result is an electronic
document which better articulates the instructions for
successful fabrication, assembly and inspection of printed
circuit boards and which contains all the data necessary
to build, view and archive the final product.
Special Note:
Well it has been a great year for us! We released 229
quality applications and had a hell of alot of fun along
the way. TEAM NULL wishes all our friends and competitors
(the non-retarded ones anyway) a Happy New Year and best
wishes in 2009!
__ __
; | Unpack and install. | ;
___| Copy contents of Crack to the installation dir. |___
/|_| If prompted for a license file, point the program to the |_|\
|_| included license.dat |_|
. | Enjoy. | .
:... .. .. ...:
.:.:..: :.: Quality over Quantity! :.: :..:.:.
: __ __ :
--- ----- `. ------------ | | ------------ .' ---- ----
\__________________________ | _________________________________/
| :::: | [email protected]
| :::: |