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.......... . ..O8888...O8888D+~~~~~~~===+$$$=++++OO+??+
.......... . . .. .DDDDDD8~~=======$$$$+++++ZZZ+?+?
.......... . ... ..DDDDDDDD$~====$$$$$++++?ZZZI????.
.......... . ..D8DDDDD888..7$$$$++???7ZZZ??II
.......... . ....88.. 7$$$$+????IZZZIIIII
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.......... . . .$$ODDD7IIIZZZ$IIII7
.......... . .+DD8DDDD8?ZZZZ$II77..
.......... . .D8DD8Z$ZZZZZ77777.
.......... . ...ZZZZZ$7777
.......... . IZZZZD77777.
.......... . .8DDDDDD$77
.......... . ..DDDDDDD87
.......... . .DDDD8..
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . ShowAnalyzer.v0.9.6.289 ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . Release Date: 31.05.2008 ...... .
.......... . Protection: ASProtect+serial check ...... .
.......... . Software URL: http://www.dragonglobal.biz/showanalyzer.html ...... .
.......... . Crack Type: Patched file ...... .
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . iNSTALLATiON ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . 1.) Unpack it. ...... .
.......... . 2.) Install. ...... .
.......... . 3.) Copy cracked files to programdir. ...... .
.......... . 4.) Enjoy about that you have registered application now. :) ...... .
.......... . ...... .
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . iNFO ABOUT APPLiCATiON ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . Never watch another commercial! Advantages of Automatic Commercial Skipping
Save time - The average hour long show has 17 minutes of commercials.
Save energy - No need to reach for the remote control when commercials come on.
Peace and quiet - Those super loud commercials get skipped before they have a chance
to wake up the entire family.
Christmas is cheaper - You won't hear "Daddy, I want THAT!" while your youngest child
is watching cartoons.
Disadvantages of Automatic Commercial Skipping
The Super Bowl isn't as interesting.
Umm... that's all I can think of. ........
.......... . ........
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . GROUP iNFO ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . Some of groups thought this is somekind group getting cracks from WEB ...... .
.......... . and preing them on scene, no its not like that, this is just one bored ...... .
.......... . man group reversing applications when he's bored ...... .