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p a n t h e o n ░ p r o u d l y p r e s e n t s
─│─┤ Clementine v10.1 MULTiLANGUAGE (c) SPSS ├─│─
│┌┘ Supplier : TEAM ArCADE └│┘ Release Date : 01/2007 └┐│
│││ Cracker : TEAM PANTHEON 2007 ┌┘┐ Program Type : Office │││
│││ Packager : TEAM PANTHEON 2007 └┌┘ Discs : 2CDs / 53 x 15MB │││
│││ Protection: Sentinel ┌│┐ Format : .bin/.cue │││
┌─┌──────────────────────┐ ┌┌─────────────────────┐┐ ┌──────────────────────┐─┐
│┌┘ ─ p a n t h e o n ─ └─││ Release Information ││─┘ ─ p a n t h e o n ─ └┐│
││ ││
││ Release Info: ││
││ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ││
││ ││
││ Predictive Enterprises rely on predictive analytics to direct, optimize, ││
││ and automate their decision making. Data mining and decision optimization ││
││ form the core of predictive analysis. ││
││ ││
││ Clementine, enterprise data mining software from SPSS, enables your ││
││ organization to improve both strategic and operational decision making. ││
││ Using predictive modeling and your business expertise, you can use ││
││ Clementine to develop predictive models that can be quickly deployed into ││
││ your business operations. With Clementine, your organization can: ││
││ ││
││ -Improve customer relationship management (CRM) programs ││
││ -Minimize risk ││
││ -Combat fraud ││
││ -Improve quality and control operational costs ││
││ -Support homeland security and law enforcement efforts ││
││ ││
││ By optimizing your view of the data, you'll make more informed decisions ││
││ that directly impact your bottom line. ││
││ ││
││ Leading organizations, from FORTUNE 500 companies to government agencies ││
││ and academic institutions, have experienced Clementine's business ││
││ benefits. They've integrated data mining into their existing systems and ││
││ processes, resulting in significant returns. For example, one customer ││
││ received a 600:1 first-year return of $1.8 billion in additional revenue ││
││ following their implementation of Clementine to reduce non-compliance, ││
││ erroneous payments, and abuse and fraud. Another customer, a national ││
││ wireless provider, used Clementine to decrease its churn rate by 20 ││
││ percent, representing hundreds of thousands more customers retained each ││
││ monthùand millions more in profits. ││
││ ││
││ With Clementine, analysts and business users can collaboratively develop ││
││ predictive models and deploy them to both decision makers and operational ││
││ systems. ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ Info: http://www.spss.com ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ *** Thanks to Team ArCADE for the nice supply! *** ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ Installation: ││
││ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ││
││ ││
││ 1) unRAR and burn/mount the image ││
││ 2) check PANTHEON dir on CD1 ││
││ 3) enjoy another fine PANTHEON-release! ││
││ ││
│└┐ ┌┘│
┌─┌──────────────────────┐ ┌┌─────────────────────┐┐ ┌──────────────────────┐─┐
│┌┘ ─ p a n t h e o n ─ └─││ Misc Information ││─┘ ─ p a n t h e o n ─ └┐│
││ ││
││ Auf einmal da. Woher? Warum? Wen juckts? Es ist einfach so. Goettlich. ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ ATTENTiON: ││
││ ~~~~~~~~~~ ││
││ ││
││ We have open positions to fill! If you are a talented: ││
││ ││
││ - cracker you can crack commercial protections of any kind? manual ││
││ unpacking or writing keygens? not afraid of flexlm/dongles? ││
││ ││
││ - supplier you got access to unreleased software of any kind? utils, ││
││ (console)games? english, german, french or dutch language? ││
││ ││
││ - dump/shell owner you have fast (eu preferably) dumps and/or shells? ││
││ enough space (100GB+) and speed (100MBit+) for our ││
││ internal group usage? ││
││ ││
││ - hardware supplier you can supply hardware like CPUs, memory, harddisks ││
││ on a regular basis? for free or at least for real ││
││ cheap prices? ││
││ ││
││ If you know what it takes, please do not hesitate and contact us now! ││
││ ││
││ ││
││ NOTE: You MUST NOT ask for technical support, missing files or anything ││
││ else, WE WiLL NOT REPLY! ││
││ ││
│└┐ ┌┘│