Download Break Reminder v3.7.4 crack by FUTURiTY

Added to site2004-03-12
Votes7 (184562 bytes)

FUTURiTY.nfo 5690 1829
file_id.diz 1129 492 87119 87119
crack.exe 224768 94774


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    ..               F U T U R i T Y         p r e s e n t s              :
    ::                                                                    +
    ''             Break Reminder v3.7.4 (c) Chequers Software            .
  ::::.,....... ......,.... .....,..............  ...... .. ..__.,.... ...:;+
      Release# ...:: #719                      Release Date :: 02/16/04
      Protction ..:: Nags/Expires              Retail Value :: $29.00        
  .   Defeated by :: Crack                     # of Disks ..:: 1 x 2.88MB  +
  .                                                                        :
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                               _____\ -   - /_ ____
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  _ __ ________\     ___________  release notes  ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __

            OOS (Occupational Overuse Syndrome) also known as RSI 
            (Repetitive Strain Injury) is an injury that is becoming 
            more and more common in today's computer intensive world. 
            OOS/RSI can be very painful and debilitating if not treated 
            early. With this in mind, the best cure is prevention, 
            though if the injury already exists, it requires strict 
            work methods to allow recovery. 
            Break Reminder is designed to both prevent and assist 
            convalescence of these debilitating computer terminal 
            associated conditions.
            Break Reminder has a small program interface that 
            discretely runs in the background.  It can monitor your 
            computer use, and reminds (or can force) you to take a 
            break to user chosen settings.
                                   ___  _  ___  
                                   \  \/ \/  /                           
                               _____\(O) (O)/_ ____                
               ____________)\__\     \_,-,_/      /./(____________
  _ __ ________\     ___________  install notes  ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __

            1. Unzip, unrar, install.
            2. Extract to install directory.
            3. Goto Register, Enter Anything as Name/Serial! Enjoy!
                                   ___  _  ___
                                   \  \/ \/  /
                               _____\ -   - /_ ____
               ____________)\__\     \_,-,_/      /./(____________
  _ __ ________\     ___________    group info   ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __
    :::    Team FUTURiTY was created April, 4th 2002 for one purpose to  :::
      .    have fun!  In the process we have released over 600 quality   .
     .:.   applications for you to enjoy!  We hope you enjoyed this     .:.
      :    release as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.             :
      .                                                                  .
     .:.                                                                .:.
      :    Contact Info:                                                 :
      .        If you need to get in contact with us you will know       .
      :        where to find us.......                                   :
      :                                                                  :
     .:.   Greetz Fly Out To:                                           .:.
      :       MYTH - DYNASTY - NLiSO - NLRiP - DEViANCE - RFL - dT       .
      :       ECLiPSE - CORE - TMG - ACiD - ORiON - ACME - ViRiLiTY      :
     .:.                                                                .:.
      :    Life is pleasant.                                             .
      .            Death is peaceful.                                    :
      :                       It's the transition that's troublesome.    :
      :               _______                     _______                ;
     :::             /___  /              __       \  ___\            :::
   ...................  /_  < ..  _________) \ .... >  _\ ..................
    '......+...........  /_  : .. \\_____     \ .. :  _\  ................'
       ......... ...... .  \_ '-.__  |  )______\ .-' _/  ......,........
        '.............-....  '------ |   __\  ------'  ...............'
                           futurity  |___\   in 2004


[ Break Reminder v3.7.4 (c) Chequers Software ]
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   :.    prepare to dress your tapeworms as pets    .:
   ::    [02/16/04]                      [xx/01]    ::
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