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¬ ──────── ⌐
Race 18 of Land Rover and Ford's toughest off road trucks, 4X4's and SUV's
through beautifully detailed environments, stunning scenery and wide
sweeping tracks designed for tough, high-speed racing.
With acceleration faster than any previous Ford game, real time, on-the-go
vehicle damage repair and in-game pick -ups, the racing has never been this
exhilarating! A mixture of oppressive, tight trails and open clearings - the player
will be challenged by obstacles as diverse as fallen trees, rocky riverbeds,
fast moving streams and lightly wooded areas. Enclosed rocky canyons and dusty
desert trails are the main driving areas.
Features such as steep hill climbs, narrow gaps and large boulders will
challenge the player.
Glacial carved ice caverns and rocky ice wastelands are the main features
of this environment. Slippy, icy tracks make this environment unique and
¬ ───────── ⌐
1. Unzip/UNRAR to game folder
2. Wait a bit
3. Play the game, as normal, with the intro too
Groups Notes:
¬ ───────── ⌐
Greetings to CFF/iSO , PEE_ES_PEE , TECHNiC , and Poopie
, #0 #MM000000M0N0@~~ To all those keeping a ^~M0MMMN000NM008 ^M0 :
S #& : Q00#~ "000NS struggling scene alive. ~00#M^ ~M00& 1 Q# (
g 4 - 400 N0Mp j#08 , #06 ~& ^
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"\ "M&g The rip scene, is it all just a MYTH ? pNM^_9
*n ~00g gNM~ x^
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", "MMmv CLASS vs MYTH w0MM~ x{~
Those were the days... -= ^