Download CSE HTML Validator Professional v4.51 RETAIL keygen by FOSI

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes11 (6908 bytes)

file_id.diz 388 176
fosi.nfo 5950 1859
keygen.exe 7680 4565


 [   CSE HTML Validator Pro v4.51   ][02.28.2001]
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 [ Brought to you by F.O.S.I. ][  WINALL ][xx/01]


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$$P          date....................: 28 feb 2001                         4$$
$$'          diskz...................: 01                                  `$$
$$           type....................: util                                 $$
$$           OS......................: winALL                               $$
$$           keygen by...............: SavaGe/PC                            $$
$$                                                                          $$
$$    Reg. info: install, run keygen, run the program (it registered)       $$
$$    Note: program have some hidden checks, so probably better to not use  $$
$$                   "check for new program version" option                 $$
$$                                                                          $$
$$  CSE HTML Validator (also referred to as HTML Validator) is a very       $$
$$  important part of an HTML development environment. Before publishing    $$
$$  HTML documents, especially documents created manually or with a "dumb"  $$
$$  HTML editor, you should check the documents for syntax errors. HTML     $$
$$  Validator functions as that checker, helping to make sure that your     $$
$$  documents are written in correct syntax so that they are viewed as      $$
$$             intended in a variety of HTML browsers.                      $$
$$  Checking your documents for good syntax cannot be done using standard   $$
$$  HTML browsers because browsers are mainly designed to only view (render)$$
$$  HTML documents. If syntax errors exist in a document being viewed, a    $$
$$  browser will attempt to display the document in a less predictable      $$
$$  manner (it guesses as to how it thinks the document should be displayed)$$
$$  thus resulting in syntax errors causing your document to be displayed   $$
$$  in a variety of fashions that are likely to vary depending on the       $$
$$  browser and even with the version of the browser. Often, if a document  $$
$$  has enough errors, it will not even display, or may display only        $$
$$  partially. But why worry about it when you can easily check your        $$
$$  documents with HTML Validator? Simply have HTML Validator check your    $$
$$  documents prior to them being published. Once syntax problems are       $$
$$  located and corrected, you may also notice that your documents display  $$
$$                      faster and with less problems.                      $$
$$,                                                                        ,$$
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