Download MDB2SQL Professional v2.2.85 WinALL crack by l33t3r

Added to site2008-05-31
Votes10 (154916 bytes)

FILE_ID.DIZ 61 61 181760 152476
l33t3r.nfo 10160 1885


l33t3r presents crack for MDB2SQL Professional v2.2.85 WinALL


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.......... .           MDB2SQL Professional v2.2.85                                                            ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .           Release Date: 31.05.2008                                                                ...... .
.......... .             Protection: ASProtect+serial check                                                    ...... .
.......... .           Software URL:                                                ...... .
.......... .             Crack Type: Patched file                                                              ...... .
..DDDD8... .                                                                                                   .DDDD8 .
.......... .              iNSTALLATiON                                                                         ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .  1.) Unpack it.                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .  2.) Install.                                                                                     ...... .
.......... .  3.) Copy cracked file to programdir.                                                             ...... .
.......... .  4.) Register with any username or serial                                                         ...... .
.......... .  5.) Enjoy about that you have registered application now. :)                                     ...... .                                                          
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
..DDDD8... .                                                                                                   .DDDD8 .
.......... .              iNFO ABOUT APPLiCATiON                                                               ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .  Automates the Microsoft SQL Server support for Microsoft Access-based softwares without
              needing to rewrite the existing code This software will automate Microsoft SQL Server
              support for Microsoft Access-based applications without the need to rewrite your existing
              code. MDB2SQL can quickly and cost-effectively convert your Access (.mdb) databases to use
              SQL Server - without changing or writing a single line of code, or relying on cumbersome
              third-party data migration tools and database drivers.
.......... .                                                                                                   ........
..DDDD8... .                                                                                                   .DDDD8 .
.......... .              GROUP iNFO                                                                           ...... .
.......... .                                                                                                   ...... .
.......... .  Some of groups thought this is somekind group getting cracks from WEB                            ...... .
.......... .  and preing them on scene, no its not like that, this is just one bored                           ...... .
.......... .  man group reversing applications when he's bored                                                 ...... .

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