Download PatchWizard v1.49 patch by Saltine

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes11 (105023 bytes)

file_id.diz 61 61
saltine.nfo 2115 955
serials.txt 3186 773
patch.exe 166912 102918


PatchWizard 1.49 - Serial# by Saltine - [xx/01]


Saltine presents...                                               [03/28/2002]

Name............: PatchWizard 1.49 *Registered*

Vendor..........: PatchWizard Software



Size............: 1,640,974 bytes

Description.....: Guitarists, Bass Guitarists - If you are using any of the
                  cool LINE 6 Products, such as AX2, POD, POD 2.0, POD Pro,
                  BASS POD etc.  We can proudly state that you are going to
                  be well served by what we can  offer.  PatchWizard  is  a
                  Windows application that will give you total control over
                  the  sonic potential of your  unit(s) - Owners of members
                  of the POD "Family" (including Bass POD) and AX2  (AXSYS)
                  will  be  pleased  to learn that PatchWizard now performs
                  "Deep Editing" and is available as a  FREE  download.  In
                  addition the POD->AX2 Patch Converter  within PatchWizard
                  allows  you to tap into the large number of Patch/Program
                  libraries available for the  POD  family  and  have  them
                  instantly  converted into a  form that can be transferred
                  to the AX2.

Protection......: Shareware Limits

Method / Time...: SoftICE / 10 Minutes

System Req......: WinALL
Crack Notes.....: The serial numbers are hard-wired. Pick one from

                  Enjoy ;)

Authenticity....: My cracks are PGP signed (note the .sig file). To
                  verify the file came from me and has not been tampered
                  with, issue this command (as applies to PGP 2.6.x):

                  PGP crack.sig crack.exe

                  You should get a message stating that it is a good
                  signature from me. Of course you will need my public
                  key, which is available on many PGP public keyservers.


abc123har Q1397FG79 R2797FQ79 S3397FG79 T4397FG79 U5397FG79 V6397FG79 W7397FG79 X8397FG79 
Y9397FG79 Z1397FG79 A1397FG79 B2397FG79 C3397FG79 D4397FG79 E5397FG79 F6397FG79 G7397FG79 
L6397FG79 H8397FG79 K8397DJ79 M9397DJ79 N1397DJ79 P2397DJ79 Q2397DJ79 R3397DJ79 S4397DJ79 
T5397DJ79 U7397DJ79 W8397DJ79 X9397DJ79 Y1397DJ79 Z2397DJ79 A2397DJ79 B3397DJ79 C4397DJ79 
D5397DJ79 E6397DJ79 D7397DJ79 E7397DJ79 F8397DJ79 G9397DJ79 H1397DJ79 J2397DJ79 K3397DJ79 
L4397DJ79 M5397DJ79 N6397DJ79 Q3397DJ79 R4397DJ79 S5397DJ79 T6397DJ79 U6397DJ79 V9397DJ79 
W9397DJ79 X1397DJ79 Y2397DJ79 Z3397DJ79 A3397DJ79 B4397DJ79 C5397DJ79 D6397DJ79 E8397DJ79 
F9397DJ79 G1397DJ79 H2397DJ79 J3397DJ79 K4397DJ79 L5397DJ79 M6397DJ79 N7397DJ79 P3397DJ79 
P4397DJ79 Q4397DJ79 R5397DJ79 S6397DJ79 T7397DJ79 U8397DJ79 V8397DJ79 W1397DJ79 X2397DJ79 
Y3397DJ79 Z4397DJ79 A4397DJ79 B5397DJ79 C6397DJ79 D8397DJ79 E9397DJ79 F1397DJ79 G2397DJ79 
H3397DJ79 J4397DJ79 K5397DJ79 L6397DJ79 M7397DJ79 N8397DJ79 P5397DJ79 Q5397DJ79 R6397DJ79 
S7397DJ79 T8397DJ79 U9397DJ79 V1397DJ79 W2397DJ79 X3397DJ79 Y4397DJ79 Z5397DJ79 A5397DJ79
B6397DJ79 C7397DJ79 D9397DJ79 E1397DJ79 F2397DJ79 G3397DJ79 H4397DJ79 J5397DJ79 K6397DJ79 
L7397DJ79 M8397DJ79 N9397DJ79 P6397DJ79 Q6397DJ79 R7397DJ79 S8397DJ79 T9397DJ79 U1397DJ79 
V2397DJ79 Q8397DJ57 X4397DJ79 Y5397DJ79 Z6397DJ79 A6397DJ79 B7397DJ79 C8397DJ79 D1397DJ79 
E2397DJ79 F3397DJ79 G4397DJ79 H5397DJ79 J6397DJ79 K7397DJ79 L8397DJ79 M2397DJ79 N3397DJ79 
P7397DJ79 A1397DK81 B2397DK92 C3397DK13 D4397DK24 E5397DK35 F6397DK46 G7397DK57 H8397DK68 
J9397DK79 K1397DK81 L2397DK92 M3397DK13 N4397DK24 SynthZone P5397DK35 Q6397DK46 R7397DK57 
S8397DK68 T9397DK79 U1397DK81 V2397DK92 W3397DK13 X4397DK24 Y5397DK35 Z6397DK46 A7397DK57 
B8397DK68 C9397DK79 D1397DK81 E2397DK92 F3397DK13 G4397DK24 H5397DK35 J6397DK46 K7397DK57
L8397DK68 M9397DK79 N1397DK81 M2397DK92 N3397DK13 P4397DK24 Q5397DK35 R6397DK46 S7397DK57 
T8397DK68 U9397DK79 V1397DK81 W2397DK92 X3397DK13 Y4397DK24 Z5397DK35 A6397DK46 B7397DK57 
C8397DK57 D9397DK68 E1397DK79 F2397DK81 G3397DK92 H4397DK13 J5397DK24 K6397DK35 L7397DK46 
M8397DK57 N9397DK68 P1397DK79 Q2397DK81 R3397DK92 S4397DK13 T5397DK24 U6397DK35 V7397DK46 
W8397DK57 X9397DK68 Y1397DK79 Z2397DK81 A3397DK92 B4397DK13 C5397DK24 D6397DK35 E7397DK46 
F8397DK57 G9397DK68 H1397DK79 J2397DK81 K3397DK92 L4397DK13 M5397DK24 N6397DK35 P7397DK46 
R9397DK68 S1397DK57 T2397DK68 U3397DK79 V4397DK81 W5397DK92 X6397DK13 Y7397DK24 Z8397DK35 
A9397DK46 B1397DK57 C2397DK68 D3397DK79 E4397DK81 F5397DK92 G6397DK13 H7397DK24 J8397DK35
K9397DK46 L1397DK57 M2397DK68 N3397DK79 P4397DK81 Q5397DK92 R6397DK13 S7397DK24 T8397DK35 
U9397DK46 V1397DK57 W2397DK68 X3397DK79 Y4397DK81 Z5397DK92 A6397DK13 B7397DK24 C8397DK35 
D9397DK46 E1397DK57 F2397DK68 G3397DK79 H4397DK81 J5397DK92 K6397DK13 L7397DK24 M8397DK35 
N9397DK46 P1397DK57 Q2397DK68 R3397DK79 S4397DK81 T5397DK92 U6397DK13 V7397DK24 W8397DK35 
X9397DK46 Y1397DK57 Z2397DK68 A3397DK79 B4397DK81 C5397DK92 D6397DK13 E7397DK24 F8397DK35 
G9397DK46 H1397DK57 J2397DK68 K3397DK79 L4397DK81 M5397DK92 N6397DK13 P7397DK24 Q8397DK35 
R9397DK46 S1397EF57 T2397EF68 U3397EF79 V4397EF81 W5397EF92

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