Download Fujitsu Interstage Business Process Manager Analytics v10.1 keygen by NULL
Added to site | 2009-01-14 |
Rating | 94/100 |
Votes | 10 | (163363 bytes)
name | size | compressed |
77 |
75 |
Fujitsu_Interstage_Business_keygen_by_NULL.exe |
182272 |
161619 |
NULL.nfo |
4961 |
1187 |
NULL's keygen for Fujitsu Interstage Business Process Manager Analytics v10.1
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____|_______________________ |________| _______________________|____
___| | | |___
/|_|__|_ Interstage Business Process Manager Analytics 10.1 _|__|_|\
| | (c) Fujitsu | |
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| .. |
| .. filename : : type ...... util |
| January 14, 2009 ...... date : : language .. english |
| Windows ........ os : : disks ..... 16 |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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| description |
.:. .:.
:.:. This product monitors and displays the state of business .:.:
`..: activity and business flow. This helps improve efficiency :..'
and response times in areas like customer service, thereby
increasing corporate competitiveness. In practical terms,
this product displays the state of business activity in
real-time charts, and notifies site users by email when
problems occur. This allows users to track the state of
the business in real time and to take appropriate action
if a new corporate vision requires greater efficiency and
faster responses.
This product also enables users to track the state of each
process associated with the flow of business, and to
monitor violations based on management indices. Thus,
useful judgments can be made about the site activity.
This requires Interstage Application Server.
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; | Unpack and install. | ;
___| Enjoy. |___
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:... .. .. ...:
.:.:..: :.: Quality over Quantity! :.: :..:.:.
: __ __ :
--- ----- `. ------------ | | ------------ .' ---- ----
\__________________________ | _________________________________/
| :::: | [email protected]
| :::: |