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┌── ▀▓███▀▀▀▀▀▀ ── ▄▀▀▀▀ ─── ▀▀▀ ─ ▀▀ ──────────────────────────────────────┐
└:┘ ▀ └:┘
. Everyfind v4.7.0 .
. (c) Atrise .
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
: ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ :
│█ . . █│
│▓ Supplier ...: TEAM LAXiTY Cracker ......: TEAM LAXiTY ▓│
│▒ Packager ...: TEAM LAXiTY Release date .: 11.15.01 ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│░ Software type ........: Game [ ] App [X] Other [ ] ░│
│░ ░│
│░ Protection solution ..: Keygen [X] Serial [ ] RegKey [ ] ░│
│▒ Crack [ ] Other [ ] ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│▓ URL ........:http://www.atrise.com ▓│
│█ . . █│
: ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ :
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┌││──────────────[ r E L E A S E . i N F O R M A T I O N ]──────────────││┐
└:┘ └:┘
: This award-winning program allows you to design a search engine for :
│█ your web site, intranet, CD, DVD or any portable documentation. █│
│▓ This search system, unlike many others on the market, does not ▓│
│▒ require server side scripts and applications and can run virtually ▒│
│▒ anywhere. This software product contains 15+ professionally ▒│
│░ designed templates for creating a new search system. You have full ░│
│░ control over its appearance and can change colors, fonts and images ░│
│░ to fit your design specifications. ░│
│░ ░│
. .
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└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
. ■─────────────────[ i N S T A L L . n O T E S ]─────────────────■ .
: . . :
: ..just use the included keygen and generate your own serial.. :
│█ █│
│▓ ..enjoy another LAXiTY release.. ▓│
│▒ ▒│
│▒ ▒│
│░ ░│
│░ ░│
: . . :
. ■─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────■ .
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┌││────────────────[ l A X I T Y . g R O U P n E W S ]─────────────────││┐
└:┘ └:┘
. .
: The second year in this new millennium is almost over, and :
│█ we're still going strong. We passed our 3000th 0day release! █│
│▓ Thanks fly out to the whole LAXiTY team, present and past, ▓│
│▒ all crackers, testers, suppliers, site-ops, curries and everybody ▒│
│░ else who helped making this possible! And thank you guys for ░│
│░ supporting LAXiTY and for using our releases. Just remember, ░│
│░ quality software also deserves your support! So if U really ░│
│▒ use a program a lot, and U can afford it, buy it. ▒│
│▓ ▓│
│█ Watch out for more quality releases coming from LAXiTY █│
: in 2001, and beyond. Stay tuned! :
. .
┌:┐ ┌:┐
└┘──┐ ┌──└┘
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│█ █│
│▓ - experienced crackers ▓│
│█ █│
: :
. .
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. ■───────────────[ g R O U P . g R E E T I N G S ]───────────────■ .
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│█ █│
│░ ░│
: . . :
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┌││───────────────────────[ c O N T A C T . u S ]───────────────────────││┐
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. ■ logo and info file by teepak/cro . updated on .: 15/06/2001 ■ .