Download SAS JMP Statistical Discovery v8.0.1 Update Only keygen by NULL

Added to site2009-03-19
Votes3 (163211 bytes)

NULL.nfo 4761 1195
SAS.JMP.Statistical.Discovery.keygen.exe 178688 161480


NULL's keygen for SAS JMP Statistical Discovery v8.0.1 Update Only


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        \_________________ :  | [] |        | [] |  : _________________/
          : |||| |   |     `._| [] |        | [] |_.'     |   | |||| :
                     |          [] |  null  | []          |
      ____|_______________________ |________| _______________________|____
    ___|  |                                                          |  |___
    /|_|__|_            JMP Statistical Discovery 8.0.1             _|__|_|\
     | |                            (c) SAS                             | |
     |                                                                    |
     |                                 ..                                 |
     | .. filename :  : type ...... util               |
     |     March 19, 2009 ...... date :  : language .. english            |
     |            Windows ........ os :  : disks ..... 48                 |
     |                                                                    |
     | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
     |                                                                    |
     |  description                                                       |
    .:.                                                                  .:.
     :.:.  Interactive.   Comprehensive.  Highly  visual.  That  just  .:.:
     `..:  begins  to  describe  JMP  statistical discovery software.  :..'
           It's the SAS product that dynamically links your data with
           graphics right  on your desktop, empowering you to explore
           the data  interactively. You'll discover  things you never
           expected, and then communicate those discoveries in a most
           visual way.                                               

        __                                                            __
      ; |  Note: While testing we discovered a bug with the program.   | ;
     ___|  If you set the date on your computer ahead a large number   |___
     /|_|  of years then set it back to the original date, the         |_|\
      |_|  program will crash on startup. However, if you set the      |_|
      . |  date ahead again, the problem will be solved. This issue    | .
        |  is in the original exe as well so it is not a crack         |
        |  problem.                                                    |
        |                                                              |
        |  SAS.JMP.Statistical.Discovery.v8.0-NULL                     |
        |  Unpack and install this update.                             |
        |  Copy contents of Crack to the installation dir.             |
        |  Enjoy.                                                      |
        :...     ..                                          ..     ...:
         .:.:..: :.:         Quality over Quantity!         :.: :..:.:.
                   :                __    __                :
       --- -----   `.  ------------ |      | ------------  .'   ---- ----
        \__________________________ | _________________________________/
                                    | :::: |      [email protected]
                                    | :::: |

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