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█ █ █ . C Y G N U S - i S O D i V i S O N . ▓▓▒▒░ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▓▒░▄ ▓▓▒▒░ ▓▓▒░
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█ ▓ █ Supplier ..... : Team CYGiSO Release-Date .... : 2008-02-18
█ ▓ █ Cracker ...... : Team CYGiSO Program-Rating .. : 10/10
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█ ▒ █ Price ........ : 4,995.00 US$ Image Format .... : ISO
█ ▒ █ ProgramType .. : video editing Program used .... : CDRWin
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█ ░ █ Url .......... : http://www.avid.com
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▄▄▄▄█ Datatracks Audiotracks Files Size
DVD 1: 1 - 16 757 MB
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█ ░ █ --───────────────── ■ Release informations ■ ────────────────-- █ ░ █
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Avid Media Composer v2.8 (c) Avid Technology Inc.
Media Composer: the affordable, flexible, hardware-independent film and
video editing solution for Windows systems. Media Composer is the
application used to create more of the worldÆs films, television shows,
and commercials than any other editing system, and itÆs more powerful
than ever. Facility wide workflow support plus the creative tools,
integrated asset management, and multi-format editing support you need
combine to make Media Composer the best editor on the planet.
The worldÆs most powerful and refined film and video editing software
Edit faster with higher-quality results
Intuitive, integrated media management. Faster trim tools.
One-step color correction. Image stabilization. Real-time animated
alpha channels. 16-bit AVX effects processing. The industry's most
accurate and reliable film editing workflow. No other application
offers the features and functionality of the
Media Composer software toolset.
Mix and edit multiple formats in real time
Combine HD, SD, DV, and film formats and resolutions, as well as
Avid AVR and Meridien JFIF media, in the same timeline - without
rendering, transcoding, or re-digitizing. Edit native DVCPRO HD and HDV
media. And take advantage of real-time, mixed-format HD, SD, and DV
multicam editing.
Handle film and video sources with confidence
The industry's most powerful and precise 24p technology lets you handle
film and video projects with equal ease and efficiency. Features such
as real-time pulldown of 24p media directly over IEEE-1394 (FireWire)
eliminate time-consuming conversions and offers greater flexibility to
output to video or film.
Be more productive-and have more time to create
The unified Avid editing environment and seamless conform between Avid
editing and finishing systems eliminates the need to re-create or
re-build creative editorial work in the online suite. Support for Avid
Unity media networks and Avid Interplay nonlinear workflows adds
background media management and true facility-wide collaboration.
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▒ ▄▄█ --───────────────────── ■ Requirements ■ ──────────────────────-- █▄▄ ▒
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Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit Edition
Dual 3.06 GHz Xeon processor or higher
System Memory: 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM (3 GB recommended)
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█▀▀▀▀ --───────────────────── ■ Install-Notes ■ ─────────────────────-- ▀▀▀▀█
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Unrar the files
Burn or mount the Image with your favorite Tool
Start Setup and install
Use patch from \CYGiSO dir
... Enjoy another fine CYGiSO release!
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█▀▀▀▀ --─────────────────────── ■ Team-News ■ ───────────────────────-- ▀▀▀▀█
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Dedicated util supplier
Experienced cracker
US/CDN/EU 100Mbit Affiliates
If you think CYGNUS is the group for you dont hesitate to contact us!
[email protected]
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▓ ░ █ --───────────── ■ Last .NFO update : 15.APR.2004 ■ ────────────-- █ ░ ▓
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