Download Bentley IRASB XM v08.09.04.57 keygen by SoS

Added to site2009-03-26
Votes3 (169514 bytes)

Bentley_IRASB_XM_v08_09_04_keygen_by_SoS.exe 217600 167801
SoS.nfo 3831 1190


keygen for Bentley IRASB XM v08.09.04.57 by SoS


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:\           \/                \/                 \/:..........:.../___/....:
:\\ Bentley.IRASB.XM.v08.09.04.57-SoS                                       :
: \_________________________________________________________________________:
: \                                                                        (:
: | Type    :  CAD                                                          |
: | Date    :  Mar 25 2009                                                  |
: | Files   :  04X5.0 MB                                                    |
:\| Archive :                                                 |
:\\                                                                        _|
: \__\ Release information _______________________________________________/\ 
     Bentley I/RAS B is a powerful tool for organizations that work with     
   scanned raster data. A proven raster editor, it offers a complete set     
   of tools to meet the needs of mappers, engineers, architects and          
   facilities managers. Bentley I/RAS B is an essential element in any       
   MicroStation workflow, as it is the ideal product to digitally archive,   
   clean up or convert scanned legacy drawings.                              
   With Bentley I/RAS B tools, you can restore and revise legacy drawings    
   in raster format. Bentley I/RAS B includes a full suite of engineering    
   tools to help in the conversion from raster to vector. Work completely    
   in raster, convert to vectors, or work with hybrid raster/vector files.                 
: \__\ Installation ______________________________________________________/\ 
: |                                                                         |
: |  This IRASB XM v08090449 needs Bentley.Microstation.XM.v8.09.04.51-SoS  |
: |  Install and follow the install.txt                                     |
:\\                                                                        _|
: \__\ About Us __________________________________________________________/\ 
: |                                                                         |
: |   The Society Of Sharing was founded in 1998 to gather application      |
: |   aficionados together for the purpose of sharing knowledge and         |
: |   resources. We will always strive to do  whatever we can to make       |
: |   sure that resources and knowledge reach the inexperienced and         |
: |   experts alike. We did not appoint our name, we earned it, as we       |
: |   have always worked on a donation basis only, and take pride as such.  |
: |   The Society can be contacted Shareorbeshared[at]gmail[dot]com         |
: |                           SHARE OR BE SHARED                            |
:.\\...                                                                    //
    \/\_______________________/\\The  Society//\________________________/\/  
                                 \/\__  __/\/   ascii by Grim Fandango       

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