Download ACDSee v4.x-5.x patch by REVENGE

Added to site2004-09-25
Votes11 (31029 bytes)

Patch.exe 33792 29187
file_id.diz 402 194
Revenge.nfo 6777 1336


   ACDSee 4.x-5.x Instmsi[x].exe Download Remover  *Patch*
 \______   \  ____  ___  __  ____    ____     ____    ____
  |       _/_/ __ \ \  \/ /_/ __ \  /    \   / ___\ _/ __ \
  |    |   \\  ___/  \   / \  ___/ |   |  \ / /_/  >\  ___/
  |____|_  / \___  >  \_/   \___  >|___|  / \___  /  \___  >
         \/      \/             \/      \/ /_____/       \/



            ╔═══════════╗   ║███████████████████              ╔═══════════╗
  ╔═════════╣           ║   ║                                 ║           ║
  ║         ║      ╔════╩═══╬══════════════╦════════╗         ║           ║
  ║         ║      ║   ███  ║  ███         ║        ║         ║           ║
 █████████  ██████████ ███  ║  ███ ██████████ ████  ║ ███  ████████  ██████████
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 █░█  ╚████═█░█████╣   ████ ║ ████ █░█████  ║ █░█████ █░█ █░█ ║    ╔═█░█████═╣
 █░███████  █░█    ║    ████║████  █░█      ║ █░█ █████░█ █░█ ╚█████ █░█     ║
 █▓█ ████   █▓█    ╠═════███████═══█▓█══════╝ █▓█  ████▓█ █▓█    ███ █▓█     ║
 █▓█  ████  █▓█    ║      █████    █▓█        █▓█   ███▓█ ████  ████ █▓█     ║
 ███   ████ ██████████═╗   ███     ██████████ ███   ║████  ████████  ██████████
  ║         ║          ║    █                       ║                        ║
  ║         ║          ╚════╬════════════════════╗  ║...OnlY dEAth Is rEAl...║
  ╚═════════╝               ║                    ╚══╩════════════════════════╝
║                                                    ║
║             ..::::::::::::..                 ╔═════╩═════════════════════════╗
║         ..:::▒▒▓████████▓▒▒:::..             ║ ACDSee 4.x-5.x Instmsi[x].exe ║
║      .::::▓█████████████▓███▓::::.           ║                               ║
║    .:::▓█████████████▒▒▓███████▓:::.         ║       (Download Remover)      ║
║   .:::▓████████▒██████▒▓██████████▓:::.      ╠═══════════════════════════════╣
║  ::::▓▒::::::::███████████::::::::▒▓::::     ║                               ║
╚═::::▓▒:::::::::▒█████████▒:::::::::▒▓::::════╣ Cracked by  : Mercyful        ║
 ::::▓▒:::::::::::▒███████▒:::::::::::▒▓::::   ║                               ║
.::::██::::::::::::▒█████▒::::::::::::██::::.  ║ Rlz Type    : Patch           ║
:::::▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▒:T:▒██▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓:::::  ║                               ║
:::::::▓███████████▒::|::▒███████████▓:::::::  ║ Protection  : -               ║
::::::::::::::::███:::|:::▒▒▓::::::::::::::::  ║                               ║
`:::::::::::::::█████████████▓::::::::::::::'  ║ Supplied by : REVENGE Crew    ║
 :::::::::::::::██████████████::::::::::::::   ║                               ║
  :::::::::::::▓██████████████:::::::::::::    ║ Tested by   : REVENGE Crew    ║
   ::::::::::::██::██::██:::██::::::::::::     ║                               ║
    `::::::::::██::██::██:::██::::::::::'      ║ Packaged by : Mercyful        ║
      `::::::::██::██::▓::::██::::::::'        ║                               ║
        `::::::██::██:::::::██::::::'          ║ Rating      : You decide!     ║
           ``::::::::::::::::::::''            ║                               ║
                              ║             ║
 ║  RELEASE INFORMATION       ║                                            ║
 ╠════════════════════════════╝                                            ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║    If your setup program of ACDSee automaticaly download instmsia.exe   ║
 ║  (Win9x)  or  instmsiw.exe (WinNT,2000,XP),  use this patch to remove   ║
 ║  this function.                                                         ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║  INSTALL INFORMATION       ║                                            ║
 ╠════════════════════════════╝                                            ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║    1) Patch your setup program (don't forget to backup it);             ║
 ║    2) Put the instmsia.exe  &  instmsiw.exe files  to the folder where  ║
 ║       the ACDSee setup program is;                                      ║
 ║    3) Run the setup of ACDSee... that's ok? Yes...                      ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║    Enjoy ;o)                                                            ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║  MEMBERS (in A-Z order)    ║                                            ║
 ╠════════════════════════════╝                                            ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║   [ Dj Haycat ............................................ MSX, S2K ]   ║
 ║   [ Mercyful ............................... FOUNDER, S2K, GFX, WEB ]   ║
 ║   [ nOT! .......................................... CODER, S2K, WEB ]   ║
 ║   [ Sage ........................................... CRACKER, CODER ]   ║
 ║   [ Timon .......................................... CRACKER, CODER ]   ║
 ║   [ X-Stack ........................................ CRACKER, CODER ]   ║
 ║   [ Zoom ................................................. S2k, WEB ]   ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║  CONTACTS / JOIN           ║                                            ║
 ╠════════════════════════════╝                                            ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║   [ WEB ............................. ]   ║
 ║   [ E-Mail ..................................... [email protected] ]   ║
 ║                                                                         ║
 ║ ........NFO & HEADER DONE BY MERCYFUL.........last update on 04-10-2003 ║

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