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Target Program: [ WinDVD Platinum v5.0 ]
Cracker: [ nuLL ]
Crack Type: [ Serial ]
OS: [ Win9x/NT/2000/XP ]
Release Date: [ 07-09-2003 ]
Language: [ English ]
Packer: [ DRO ]
Tester: [ DRO ]
Source: [ Digit Magazine, September 2003 ]
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WinDVD is a DVD player, offering such features as DivX support, Dolby
Virtual Speaker and video effects, Movie Encyclopedia, gamma
correction, 96KHz/24-bit audio decoding, LanguageMate, Windows Media
support, and more. This version also supports Hyper-Threading, for
better performance on P4 PCs.
Use the following to register the program:- E-mail:
[email protected] Password: crackdigit License Key:
DC8MNE29-N3ZJHHV5-YKC3G49T-Y7VJ98JDV Credit Card No: 1459
WWW: [ http://www.crackdigit.tk ]
WWW: [ http://kickme.to/crackdigit]
WWW: [ http://zor.org/crackdigit ]
Mail: [ [email protected] ]
Mail: [ [email protected] ]
ScrEEmur [ Founder, Web ]
DRO [ Founder, Ascii, GFX, Web ]
GoldiLOKKS [ Admin, Coder ]
iNanIm8 [ Cracker ]
DrastiK [ Cracker ]
xOr [ Cracker ]
miNUS41 [ Cracker ]
TOD [ Cracker ]
nuLL [ Cracker ]
b4me [ Cracker ]
boNeR [ Cracker ]
swastik [ Trial Member ]
CoDe_BrEaKeR [ Trial Member ]
NFO last updated 28.05.03
Best viewed in Notepad in 'Terminal' Font