Download CRC Recovery v1.0

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes9 (135261 bytes)

CRC-Recovery/ 0 0
CRC-Recovery/Examle/ 0 0
CRC-Recovery/Examle/Error.jpg 16845 10878
CRC-Recovery/Examle/Arc_Good.rar 423 428
CRC-Recovery/Examle/Arc_Bad.rar 423 428
CRC-Recovery/Examle/Examle.txt 1350 637
CRC-Recovery/CRC-Recovery.exe 90112 38508
CRC-Recovery/CRC-Recovery.txt 1795 802
CRC-Recovery/Version 1.0/ 0 0
CRC-Recovery/Version 1.0/CRC-Recovery.exe 94208 39190
CRC-Recovery/Version 1.0/CRC-Recovery.txt 1795 802
CRC-Recovery/English/ 0 0
CRC-Recovery/English/Zidrav.exe 94208 39662
CRC-Recovery/English/zidrav.txt 4288 2034


	-= ╚±≥≡≤Ω÷Φ  Φ ∩≡Φ∞σ≡ ∩ε ≡αßε≥σ ± ∩≡επ≡α∞∞εΘ CRC Recovery =-

(1) ┬ α≡⌡ΦΓσ, Γ ∩α∩Ωσ Example φα⌡εΣΦ≥±  ΣΓα α≡⌡ΦΓα :

 Arc_bad.Rar - └≡⌡ΦΓ ± ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√∞ CRC , Ωε≥ε≡√Θ ∩≡Φ ∩ε∩√≥Ωσ
ΦτΓδσ≈ⁿ Φτ φσπε ⌠αΘδ WinRar_ε∞ Γ√Σασ≥ ±εεß∙σφΦσ ± ╬╪╚┴╩╬╔ (±∞ε≥≡Φ ⌠αΘδ "Error.jpg")

Arc_good.Rar - ╥ε≥ µσ α≡⌡ΦΓ, φε ∩εδφε±≥ⁿ■ ≡αßε≥ε±∩ε±εßφ√Θ 
± ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√∞ CRC, Ωε≥ε≡√Θ ßστ ∩≡εßδσ∞∞ ε≥Ω≡√Γασ≥±  WinRar_ε∞.

(2) ╟αΣα≈α ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ ∩≡σΓ≡α≥Φ≥ⁿ Arc_bad.Rar Γ Arc_good.Rar, ≥σ
Φ±∩≡αΓΦ≥ⁿ Γ φσ∞ ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ CRC. 

1.╟α∩≤±Ωασ∞ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ CRC Recovery Φ Γ√∩εδφ σ∞ ╪απ ╣ 1 (╙ΩαµΦ≥σ ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ).
╙Ωατ√Γασ∞ ⌠αΘδ Arc_bad.Rar , ∩≡επ≡α∞∞α ╤α∞ε±≥ε ≥σδⁿφε Γ√Σασ≥ φατΓαφΦσ ⌠αΘδα CDT,
Φ ∞√ φαµΦ∞ασ∞ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄". 
- ┬ ≡στ≤δⁿ≥α≥σ ∞√ ∩εδ≤≈ασ∞ ⌠αΘδ Arc_Bad.rar.cdt Γ ≥εΘ µσ ╧α∩Ωσ ,≈≥ε Φ Arc_bad.Rar

2.╟α≥σ∞ Γ√∩εδφ σ∞ ╪απ ╣ 2 (╙ΩαµΦ≥σ ═┼ ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ) Φ ≤Ωατ√Γασ∞ ∩≤≥ⁿ Ω CDT ⌠αΘδ≤ -
Arc_Bad.rar.cdt , ∩≡επ≡α∞∞α ╤α∞ε±≥ε ≥σδⁿφε Γ√Σασ≥ φατΓαφΦσ ⌠αΘδα CDP, Φ ∩≤≥ⁿ Ω 
⌠αΘδ≤ ± ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√∞ CRC - Arc_good.Rar Φ φαµΦ∞ασ∞ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄".
- ┬ ≡στ≤δⁿ≥α≥σ ∞√ ∩εδ≤≈ασ∞ ⌠αΘδ Arc_Bad.rar.cdp Γ ≥εΘ µσ ╧α∩Ωσ ,≈≥ε Φ Arc_bad.Rar

3.╟α≥σ∞ Γ√∩εδφ σ∞ ╪απ ╣ 3 (╚±∩≡αΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ) Φ ≤Ωατ√Γασ∞ ∩≤≥ⁿ Ω CDP ⌠αΘδ≤ -
Arc_Bad.rar.cdp Φ Ω ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφε∞≤ ⌠αΘδ≤ - Arc_bad.Rar Φ φαµΦ∞ασ∞ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄".

				-= ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ╘αΘδ Arc_bad.Rar - ┬╬╤╤╥└═╬┬╦┼═ =- 


				-= ┬ ≈σ∞ ±≤≥ⁿ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ CRC Recovery =-
╧≡επ≡α∞∞α ±δ≤µΦ≥ Σδ  Γεε±≥αφεΓδσφΦ  ╘αΘδεΓ ± ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√∞ CRC (Γ ε±φεΓφε∞ α≡⌡ΦΓεΓ).

				-= ╬∩Φ±αφΦσ ≡αßε≥√ ± ∩≡επ≡α∞∞εΘ =-
╧≡επ≡α∞∞α ε≈σφⁿ ∩≡ε±≥α Γ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφΦΦ.─δ  ≡αßε≥√ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε 2 ≈σδεΓσΩσ . ╩ ∩≡Φ∞σ≡≤ ┬α±  Φ ╧σ≥ .
≤ εßεΦ⌡ Σεδµφα ß√≥ⁿ ≤±≥αφεΓδσφα ∩≡επ≡α∞∞α CRC Recovery . ╧≤±≥ⁿ ≤ ┬α±Φ ß≤Σσ≥ └≡⌡ΦΓ 
± ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√∞ CRC , └ ≤ ╧σ≥Φ ≥ε≥ µσ α≡⌡ΦΓ, φε ∩εδφε±≥ⁿ■ ≡αßε≥ε±∩ε±εßφ√Θ ,- ± ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√∞ CRC. 

1. ┬α±  τα∩≤±Ωασ≥ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ CRC Recovery Φ Γ√∩εδφ σ≥ ╪απ ╣ 1 (╙ΩαµΦ≥σ ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ).
╟α≥σ∞ εφ ≤Ωατ√Γασ≥ ╘αΘδ, Γ Ωε≥ε≡ε∞ σ∞≤ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε ╚╤╧╨└┬╚╥▄ CRC , Φ ∞εµσ≥ 
( ═┼╬┴▀╟└╥┼╦▄═╬ ) ∩ε∞σφ ≥ⁿ Φ∞  ⌠αΘδα CDT (╘αΘδ ╩εφ≥≡εδⁿφεΘ ±≤∞∞√) , Φ φαµΦ∞ασ≥ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄".
2. ╟α≥σ∞ ┬α±  ╧ε±√δασ≥ (∩ε ∩ε≈≥σ) ╧εδ≤≈σφφ√Θ Γ ∩≡σΣ√Σ≤∙σ∞ ∩≤φΩ≥σ CDT ⌠αΘδ - ╧σ≥σ.

3. ╧σ≥ , ∩εδ≤≈ΦΓ CDT ⌠αΘδ τα∩≤±Ωασ≥ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ CRC Recovery Φ Γ√∩εδφ σ≥ ╪απ ╣2 
(╙ΩαµΦ≥σ ═┼ ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ) Φ ≤Ωατ√Γασ≥ ╧≤≥ⁿ Ω ⌠αΘδ≤ CDT , Ωε≥ε≡√Θ εφ ∩εδ≤≈Φδ (∩ε ∩ε≈≥σ)
ε≥ ╧σ≥Φ, Φ ∩≤≥ⁿ Ω ╬≡ΦπΦφαδⁿφε∞≤ ╘αΘδ≤ ,- ∩εδφε±≥ⁿ■ ≡αßε≥ε±∩ε±εßφε∞≤ ± ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√∞ CRC Φ ∞εµσ≥
(═┼╬┴▀╟└╥┼╦▄═╬) ∩ε∞σφ ≥ⁿ Φ∞  ⌠αΘδα CDP (╘αΘδ ╩εφ≥≡εδⁿφεΘ ±≤∞∞√) , Φ φαµΦ∞ασ≥ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄".

4. ╟α≥σ∞ ╧σ≥  ╧ε±√δασ≥ (∩ε ∩ε≈≥σ) ╧εδ≤≈σφφ√Θ Γ ∩≡σΣ√Σ≤∙σ∞ ∩≤φΩ≥σ CDP ⌠αΘδ - ┬α±σ.

5. ┬α± , ∩εδ≤≈ΦΓ CDP ⌠αΘδ τα∩≤±Ωασ≥ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ CRC Recovery Φ Γ√∩εδφ σ≥ ╪απ ╣3
(╚±∩≡αΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ) Φ ≤Ωατ√Γασ≥ ╧≤≥ⁿ Ω ╘αΘδ≤ , Γ Ωε≥ε≡ε∞ σ∞≤ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε 
╚╤╧╨└┬╚╥▄ CRC (╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ) Φ ╧≤≥ⁿ Ω  ⌠αΘδ≤ CDP , Ωε≥ε≡√Θ εφ
∩εδ≤≈Φδ (∩ε ∩ε≈≥σ ε≥ ╧σ≥Φ), Φ φαµΦ∞ασ≥ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄".

				-= ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ╘αΘδ - ┬╬╤╤╥└═╬┬╦┼═ =- 

─δ  δ≤≈°σπε ≤±ΓεσφΦ  Φ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ ≡αßε≥ε±∩ε±εßφε±≥Φ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ CRC Recovery
±εΓσ≥≤■ ∩ε≈Φ≥α≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ Example.txt , ≡α±∩εδεµσφφ√Θ Γ ∩α∩Ωσ Example.

Made by [email protected]

CRC-Recovery/Version 1.0/CRC-Recovery.txt

				-= ┬ ≈σ∞ ±≤≥ⁿ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ CRC Recovery =-
╧≡επ≡α∞∞α ±δ≤µΦ≥ Σδ  Γεε±≥αφεΓδσφΦ  ╘αΘδεΓ ± ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√∞ CRC (Γ ε±φεΓφε∞ α≡⌡ΦΓεΓ).

				-= ╬∩Φ±αφΦσ ≡αßε≥√ ± ∩≡επ≡α∞∞εΘ =-
╧≡επ≡α∞∞α ε≈σφⁿ ∩≡ε±≥α Γ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφΦΦ.─δ  ≡αßε≥√ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε 2 ≈σδεΓσΩσ . ╩ ∩≡Φ∞σ≡≤ ┬α±  Φ ╧σ≥ .
≤ εßεΦ⌡ Σεδµφα ß√≥ⁿ ≤±≥αφεΓδσφα ∩≡επ≡α∞∞α CRC Recovery . ╧≤±≥ⁿ ≤ ┬α±Φ ß≤Σσ≥ └≡⌡ΦΓ 
± ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√∞ CRC , └ ≤ ╧σ≥Φ ≥ε≥ µσ α≡⌡ΦΓ, φε ∩εδφε±≥ⁿ■ ≡αßε≥ε±∩ε±εßφ√Θ ,- ± ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√∞ CRC. 

1. ┬α±  τα∩≤±Ωασ≥ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ CRC Recovery Φ Γ√∩εδφ σ≥ ╪απ ╣ 1 (╙ΩαµΦ≥σ ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ).
╟α≥σ∞ εφ ≤Ωατ√Γασ≥ ╘αΘδ, Γ Ωε≥ε≡ε∞ σ∞≤ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε ╚╤╧╨└┬╚╥▄ CRC , Φ ∞εµσ≥ 
( ═┼╬┴▀╟└╥┼╦▄═╬ ) ∩ε∞σφ ≥ⁿ Φ∞  ⌠αΘδα CDT (╘αΘδ ╩εφ≥≡εδⁿφεΘ ±≤∞∞√) , Φ φαµΦ∞ασ≥ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄".
2. ╟α≥σ∞ ┬α±  ╧ε±√δασ≥ (∩ε ∩ε≈≥σ) ╧εδ≤≈σφφ√Θ Γ ∩≡σΣ√Σ≤∙σ∞ ∩≤φΩ≥σ CDT ⌠αΘδ - ╧σ≥σ.

3. ╧σ≥ , ∩εδ≤≈ΦΓ CDT ⌠αΘδ τα∩≤±Ωασ≥ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ CRC Recovery Φ Γ√∩εδφ σ≥ ╪απ ╣2 
(╙ΩαµΦ≥σ ═┼ ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ) Φ ≤Ωατ√Γασ≥ ╧≤≥ⁿ Ω ⌠αΘδ≤ CDT , Ωε≥ε≡√Θ εφ ∩εδ≤≈Φδ (∩ε ∩ε≈≥σ)
ε≥ ╧σ≥Φ, Φ ∩≤≥ⁿ Ω ╬≡ΦπΦφαδⁿφε∞≤ ╘αΘδ≤ ,- ∩εδφε±≥ⁿ■ ≡αßε≥ε±∩ε±εßφε∞≤ ± ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√∞ CRC Φ ∞εµσ≥
(═┼╬┴▀╟└╥┼╦▄═╬) ∩ε∞σφ ≥ⁿ Φ∞  ⌠αΘδα CDP (╘αΘδ ╩εφ≥≡εδⁿφεΘ ±≤∞∞√) , Φ φαµΦ∞ασ≥ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄".

4. ╟α≥σ∞ ╧σ≥  ╧ε±√δασ≥ (∩ε ∩ε≈≥σ) ╧εδ≤≈σφφ√Θ Γ ∩≡σΣ√Σ≤∙σ∞ ∩≤φΩ≥σ CDP ⌠αΘδ - ┬α±σ.

5. ┬α± , ∩εδ≤≈ΦΓ CDP ⌠αΘδ τα∩≤±Ωασ≥ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤ CRC Recovery Φ Γ√∩εδφ σ≥ ╪απ ╣3
(╚±∩≡αΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ) Φ ≤Ωατ√Γασ≥ ╧≤≥ⁿ Ω ╘αΘδ≤ , Γ Ωε≥ε≡ε∞ σ∞≤ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε 
╚╤╧╨└┬╚╥▄ CRC (╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ) Φ ╧≤≥ⁿ Ω  ⌠αΘδ≤ CDP , Ωε≥ε≡√Θ εφ
∩εδ≤≈Φδ (∩ε ∩ε≈≥σ ε≥ ╧σ≥Φ), Φ φαµΦ∞ασ≥ Ωφε∩Ω≤ "┬█╧╬╦═╚╥▄".

				-= ╧εΓ≡σµΣσφφ√Θ ╘αΘδ - ┬╬╤╤╥└═╬┬╦┼═ =- 

─δ  δ≤≈°σπε ≤±ΓεσφΦ  Φ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ ≡αßε≥ε±∩ε±εßφε±≥Φ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ CRC Recovery
±εΓσ≥≤■ ∩ε≈Φ≥α≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ Example.txt , ≡α±∩εδεµσφφ√Θ Γ ∩α∩Ωσ Example.

Made by [email protected]


Docs for ZIDRAV 3.2
1. What is ZIDRAV?
2. Quick Start
3. FAQ

1. What is ZIDRAV?
ZIDRAV stands for "Zorba's Incredible Data Repairer And Verifier", and is an
extremely useful tool for cross-checking files that have been transfered via
HTTP, FTP, or some other method. What it does, is generates a checksum file, and
then by comparing that checksum with the original file, it creates a patch file
that can repair the corrupted file. Very cool, and saves re-downloading.

2. Quick Start
ZIDRAV is pretty simple to use.
It requires 2 people to use, and I'll explain by example.

A is the person with a corrupted file.
B is the person with the original file.

1. A runs ZIDRAV, and chooses the top option, "Make Checksum File".
A then selects the file that needs to be checked, and a filename for the CDT
(checksum) file, then hits "Go".

2. Now, A sends the CDT file that ZIDRAV generated to B.
B then selects "Make Patch File", and selects the CDT file that A sent him, the
original file, and optionally changes the name of the patch file (CDP), and
finally presses the "Go" button.

3. B now sends the CDP file to A. A chooses "Apply Patch File", and selects the
CDP file, and the corrupted file that he
has, then , you guessed it, hits the "Go" button.

4. A now does the happy dance of joy, since his once corrupted file is now fixed
and working perfectly.

3. FAQ

Q: What are those other buttons for?
A: Stuff.
Well, actually... The "Make Batch Checksums" allows you to create CDT files from
a whole directory. The filemask allows you to choose files *not* to make .cdts
of. Seperate the files by semicolons. Wildcards work, but only *. Uh, I think.
(Good God this old code is ugly.) The two disabled buttons are for some future
functionality, and have no real purpose at this time. Actually, they work just
fine, but they don't do anything useful, so I turned 'em off.

Q: What's with the "Block Size" slider?
A: It lets you change the size of the generated files. A larger block size makes
smaller CDT files and larger CDP files, and a smaller one works the other way.
But really, you shouldn't ever have to change it.

Q: What does "U. G. I." stand for?
A: Ultimo Grudly Incarnation. If you can name the book I got "grudly" from, you
get a prize.

Q: Can I send you love letters, money, food, beer, or other cool objects I have
lying around my house?
A: As long as I don't have to pay postage and it won't attract cops.

Q: How can I get help or updates?
A: Well, you can find me on EFnet as ZorbaTHut, or you can email me at
[email protected]

Q: How come some parts of this FAQ are really easy to read, and some parts are
mindnumbingly confusing and convoluted?
A: Easy. Some nice guy on IRC whose name I will not mention unless he asks me to
volunteered to write up docs for me. He did a pretty good job, but he made a few
mistakes (understandable, since even I don't know what it's doing at this point
half the time) so I decided to correct them. Guess which parts are the
easy-to-understand parts? That's right - his. What can I say, I'm a programmer.

Q: What's the chance of a newer version?
A: Depends on how many people E-mail me asking for More Features. Since my code
is so incredibly ugly that I don't want to look at it anymore (it was back
before I really knew what I was doing) I'd end up rewriting the whole thing
anyway, which I don't want to do without major incentive, I.E. getting people to
stop bugging me to make a new version. Or, uh, other things. (sound of Zorba
pulling his mind out of the gutter)

Q: Ya know, it'd be really nice if those "..." buttons in the batch checksum
maker had "new folder" buttons.
A: That's not even a question! Ha ha ha. Sorry, old joke. Yeah, it would,
wouldn't it? I'm not in the mood to muck about with Win32 API stuff. I'll figure
it out later, maybe :)

Q: Is there anything cool I should know about?
A: Yeah, you can drag'n'drop files into the file selection areas. It's a lot
faster than using the "..." buttons. And there's porn hidden in the program

(That oughta keep 'em busy.)

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