Download Sony Sound Forge v7.0 keygen by SSG

Added to site2004-01-03
Votes91 (187600 bytes)

file_id.diz 605 605
ssg.nfo 5375 5375
keygen.rar 52988 52998
keygen.exe 219136 128018


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  /:/ /\  \      /:/ /\  \      /:/  /___
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    /:/  /         /:/  /        \::/  /
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        -Saints and Sinners Group-

[DATE:09-25-2003]                   [01/12]


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                       :: Saints and Sinners Group ::      ,;.

                             - p r e s e n t s -


 __________       .__                                .___        _____
 \______   \ ____ |  |   ____ _____    ______ ____   |   | _____/ ____\____
  |       _// __ \|  | _/ __ \\__  \  /  ___// __ \  |   |/    \   __\/  _ \
  |    |   \  ___/|  |_\  ___/ / __ \_\___ \\  ___/  |   |   |  \  | (  <_> )
  |____|_  /\___  >____/\___  >____  /____  >\___  > |___|___|  /__|  \____/
         \/     \/          \/     \/     \/     \/           \/

             supplied by.. SSG Team      rls type.... Keygen
             cracked by... SSG Team      date........ 09-25-2003
             tested by.... SSG Team      os.......... WinAll
             packed by.... SSG Team      language.... English
             protection... Trial         disks....... 12 x 3 Mb

  Sound Forge« software is an award-winning digital audio editor that includes
  a powerful set of audio processes, tools, and effects for recording and
  manipulating audio. This industry-standard application is the professional's
  choice for audio editing, audio recording, effects processing, streaming
  content creation, and more.

  Sound Forge 7.0 software continues to build on its decade-long legacy by
  adding features that make it more powerful than ever to enhance your
  workflow and productivity. These include: DirectX« plug-in effects
  automation, automated time-based recording and audio threshold record
  triggering, VU/PPM meters for RMS playback and record monitoring, enhanced
  Spectrum Analysis tools, white, pink, and brown noise generators, clipped
  peak detection and marking, Media Explorer, Sound Forge project file
  creation, support for 24fps DV video files and much more. After more than 10
  years, Sound Forge 7.0 software remains the standard for professional audio
  editing and mastering on the PC platform.

  NOTE: Since it was previously known as SonicFoundry Sound Forge, we decided
  to leave this name in keygen to avoid misunderstandings, because keygen can
  generate serials also for previous version of this puppy.

                     _______          __
                     \      \   _____/  |_  ____   ______
                     /   |   \ /  _ \   __\/ __ \ /  ___/
                    /    |    (  <_> )  | \  ___/ \___ \
                    \____|__  /\____/|__|  \___  >____  >
                            \/                 \/     \/

                            Unzip, unrar, install.
       Generate serial for "SonicFoundry Sound Forge 7.0" and register
    program with it (note that you need serial from "Serial number 0x0040"
                            field, the lower one).


            ________                      __             __
           /  _____/______   ____   _____/  |_  ______ _/  |_  ____
          /   \  __\_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \   __\/  ___/ \   __\/  _ \
          \    \_\  \  | \/\  ___/\  ___/|  |  \___ \   |  | (  <_> )
           \______  /__|    \___  >\___  >__| /____  >  |__|  \____/
                  \/            \/     \/          \/

                        SSG's respects & hello's fly out:

                   SCOTCH - MaGE - RPG2000 - SOD - DAMN - TMG

       _________                __                 __
       \_   ___ \  ____   _____/  |______    _____/  |_   __ __  ______
       /    \  \/ /  _ \ /    \   __\__  \ _/ ___\   __\ |  |  \/  ___/
       \     \___(  <_> )   |  \  |  / __ \\  \___|  |   |  |  /\___ \
        \______  /\____/|___|  /__| (____  /\___  >__|   |____//____  >
               \/            \/          \/     \/                  \/

              [www] ...........[]
              [e-mail]...........[removed for security reasons]
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 [nfo layout by bac/Offliner                               filled by SSG Team]
 [logo by Offliner                                  last update on 12/12/2002]

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