Download Ilight Fieldview v11 keygen by FCN

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                    ··=■ FATIGUED COURIERS NETWORK ■=··
·══════════════════════─··  FCN Proudly Presents  ··─══════════════════════════·
║··                         FieldView v11 (C) Ilight                         ··║

  ·═════════════════════─·· Release Information ··─══════════════════════════·
  ║ Supplier   · D. Elf             │ Release Date     · 9/12/2005           ║
  ║ Cracker    · TEAM FCN!          │ Protection       · Flexlm              ║
  ║ Packager   · TEAM FCN!          │ App Type         · CFD                 ║
  ║ #/Disks    · 15 x 5.00          │ Operating System · 95/98/NT            ║
  ║═════════════════════─·· Program Description ··─══════════════════════════║
  ║ Rutherford, NJ  (November 2, 2005) - Intelligent Light's FIELDVIEW 11    ║
  ║ software is now shipping and it brings dramatic new capabilities to CFD  ║
  ║ post-processing and visualization. The lead feature improvements are     ║
  ║ dynamic clipping, parametric streamline seeding, and the FIELDVIEW       ║
  ║ ATViewer interrogation and collaboration tool. The features will give    ║
  ║ users new capabilities and greatly enhance their productivity. The       ║
  ║ release also provides support for a broad range of both 64-bit and       ║
  ║ 32-bit platforms supporting the evolving mix of hardware and operating   ║
  ║ systems.                                                                 ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ FIELDVIEW Advanced Technology Viewer (ATViewer) is a revolutionary new   ║
  ║ capability that utilizes the latest graphics technologies to deliver     ║
  ║ tremendous interactive performance even with large, unsteady datasets.   ║
  ║ Now the largest CFD datasets with hundred of thousands of streaklines    ║
  ║ can be explored at fully interactive frame rates. The FIELDVIEW ATViewer ║
  ║ software uses an extract database created by FIELDVIEW that can be much  ║
  ║ smaller than the native dataset. The extract database contains all       ║
  ║ surfaces, rakes and relevant scalar, thresholding, and vector data       ║
  ║ allowing detailed, interactive analysis of steady and transient datasets ║
  ║ using a local workstation. Analysis results can be shared among users    ║
  ║ and non-users of the FIELDVIEW post-processor using the free FIELDVIEW   ║
  ║ ATViewer software to review results.                                     ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ "I was amazed when I started working with our data using the FIELDVIEW   ║
  ║ ATViewer software. To see moving flows and to interact with the data at  ║
  ║ 15-20 frames per second (fps) is a fundamental change in the way we can  ║
  ║ work", said Dr. Earl Duque, leader of the Intelligent Light response to  ║
  ║ the HPC Analytics Challenge and Associate Professor of Mechanical        ║
  ║ Engineering at Northern Arizona University. "I have been able to quickly ║
  ║ see the development of unique airflows that affect the efficiency of     ║
  ║ rotor turbines. This has huge implications for the development of highly ║
  ║ efficient wind energy, and more broadly, for the way that CFD is         ║
  ║ practiced and the impact it can have beyond the CFD community."          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ Dynamic Clipping - Quickly clear model detail to reveal airflows in      ║
  ║ specific areas of interest. Simple mouse click and draw commands are     ║
  ║ used to interactively cut away parts of the model to see beyond          ║
  ║ obstructions or inside. Multiple cuts can be made using lines or boxes   ║
  ║ to pare away some parts of the model to easily expose the most relevant  ║
  ║ part of the dataset. For example, dynamically clipping away parts of a   ║
  ║ Formula 1 race car model to isolate an area of interest such as the      ║
  ║ front wing may require as little as a single simple mouse click and drag ║
  ║ action. Dynamic clipping is fully integrated with the quantitative       ║
  ║ features of FIELDVIEW and with FVX for automation.                       ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ Airflow patterns in and around aircraft landing gear can have impact on  ║
  ║ heating and cooling issues associated with braking. To get a clearer     ║
  ║ understanding of flow around one of the rear wheels, two interactive     ║
  ║ dynamic clips were made to create the cut-away view on the right.        ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ Parametric Streamline Seeding - A powerful new set of tools to create    ║
  ║ spherical, rectangular, or circular streamline seeding patterns in       ║
  ║ FIELDVIEW datasets. The new streamline seeding patterns can be created   ║
  ║ interactively through the GUI or in a fully automated way using          ║
  ║ FIELDVIEW FVX programs.                                                  ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ Platform support expands - Reflecting the proliferation of 64-bit        ║
  ║ computing platforms and strong customer interest, FIELDVIEW 11 brings    ║
  ║ support for several new platforms including AMD64 Opteron, SGI Prism,    ║
  ║ MAC OS X, and more 64-bit platforms. Linux support and testing has been  ║
  ║ expanded to provide coverage across most common 32-bit and 64-bit        ║
  ║ distributions. Stereo viewing support has also been added to Linux       ║
  ║ versions. HP-UX on Itanium support will soon be delivered in a follow-up ║
  ║ to the initial release.                                                  ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ FIELDVIEW Product Manager Matt Godo, Ph.D. said "Our customers are       ║
  ║ driving their use of CFD and FIELDVIEW into ambitious new directions and ║
  ║ are facing productivity demands that require the highest levels of       ║
  ║ performance and xefficiency. FIELDVIEW 11 responds with broad support    ║
  ║ for the latest hardware and software technologies while delivering       ║
  ║ features that will permit large productivity increases within existing   ║
  ║ customer workflow environments. The response from our early access       ║
  ║ customers has been tremendous."                                          ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ About Intelligent Light                                                  ║
  ║ Intelligent Light, located in Rutherford, New Jersey, was founded in     ║
  ║ 1984 with a mission to provide the scientific and engineering community  ║
  ║ with the best possible tools for understanding data and communicating    ║
  ║ results. The company provides CFD post-processing and big data           ║
  ║ visualization capability, under the industry leading FIELDVIEW brand, to ║
  ║ thousands of HPC users in the aerospace, automotive and general          ║
  ║ manufacturing industries. Their unique development team is composed of   ║
  ║ CFD experts, computer scientists, and visualization experts focused on   ║
  ║ listening to clients and delivering products that meet their needs.      ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ FIELDVIEW, FVX, and FIELDVIEW ATViewer are trademarks of Intelligent     ║
  ║ Light. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.     ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║          								     ║
  ║═════════════════════════─·· Installation ··─═════════════════════════════║
  ║ Unzip, unrar, install..                                                  ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║ unzip                                                          ║
  ║ read install.txt                                                         ║
  ║ READ IT WELL AND FOLLOW IT EXACTALLY...                                  ║
  ║ And enjoy :)                                                             ║
  ║                                                                          ║
  ║          								     ║
 ┌║                    FCN: The Gift That Keeps On Giving!                   ┌║


keygen for Ilight Fieldview v11 by FCN

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