Download Kristanix Software Email Sender Deluxe v2.0 WinAll keymaker by PM8

Added to site2008-05-08
Votes11 (206805 bytes)

Kristanix.Software.Email.Sende.keymaker.exe 221696 204806
PM8.nfo 9612 1449


PM8 presents keymaker for Kristanix Software Email Sender Deluxe v2.0 WinAll


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███▀          P       H       A       N       T       O        M         ▀███
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██▐ Kristanix.Software.Email.Sender.Deluxe.v2.0.WinAll.incl.Keymaker-PM8  ▌██
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██▐ Release Date:         08/05/2008  │    Platform:             WinAll   ▌██
██▐ Protection:                  N/A  │    Crack Type:        Keygmaker   ▌██
██▐ Supplier:               TEAM PM8  │    Size:              02x5.00MB   ▌██
██▐ Cracker:                TEAM PM8  │    Language             English   ▌██
██▐ Packer:                 TEAM PM8  │    WWW:   ▌██
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██▐┴┴┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─────────────────────────────    ──    ─                    ▌██
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██▐  Send newsletters and bulk emails to your customers!                  ▌██
██▐                                                                       ▌██
██▐  With Email Sender Deluxe, sending out personalized bulk email        ▌██
██▐  and newsletters to your customers and clients just got a whole       ▌██
██▐  lot easier! Simply choose your recipients, write your email and      ▌██
██▐  hit Send! You can easily import recipients from databases,           ▌██
██▐  Excel, text files or enter them manually.                            ▌██
██▐                                                                       ▌██
██▐  You can store email templates, so you don't have to type the         ▌██
██▐  whole newsletter again the next time you send one.                   ▌██
██▐                                                                       ▌██
██▐  If you send out newsletters regularly or need to notify your         ▌██
██▐  customers about new products and services, Email Sender Deluxe       ▌██
██▐  is here to help you!                                                 ▌██
██▐                                                                       ▌██
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██▐┌┬┬─┬┐┌┐ ┌┐┌─┐                                                         ▌██
██▐│┴│││├┤│ │└┤││                                                         ▌██
██▐│┬││││││ │┌┤││                                                         ▌██
██▐┴┴┴─┴──┘ └─┴─┴──────────────────────────    ──    ─                    ▌██
██▐                                                                       ▌██
██▐  1) Unpack                                                            ▌██
██▐  2) Install                                                           ▌██
██▐  3) Use our Keymaker!                                                 ▌██
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██▐│└┤││││┌┤ │└┤┌┤                                                        ▌██
██▐┴─┴─┴┴┴─┴┴┴─┴─┴─────────────────────────    ──    ─                    ▌██
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██▐ Team Phantom 2008 is looking for:                                     ▌██
██▐  - skilled Crackers/Keygenners/Unpackers                              ▌██
██▐  - nice Affilsites                                                    ▌██
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██▐ You know how to contact us...                                         ▌██
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██▐ Greetings fly out to: + CFF + CORE + CRO +                            ▌██
██▐ and of course to all friends!                                         ▌██
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                          ▀   █▀    2o_08    ▀█   ▀

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