Download Ugo Disturbance v1.0 VSTi keygen by AMPLiFY

Added to site2008-07-11
Votes5 (158304 bytes)

AMPLiFY.nfo 9230 2961
Ugo_Disturbance_v1_0_keygen_by_AMPLiFY.exe 181248 154810


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  ·─:■┌■--────────┐_|_|____┌─+┐_.              ._┌──┐__|_:___┌────────--■┐■:─·
    ┌┼┘└───·▌▓▒▒░+┤-│─└─┬──┘─·∙─[ rELEASE iNFO ]─∙· └∙+┘ └+┬─────░▒▒▓▐─·┘└┼┐
  ·∙┘·            └·┘   ·     └+∙─*·        ·*─∙+┘         └·┘            ·└∙·
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...SUPPLIER  ││  REL-DATE..:  07.11.2008       
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...PACKAGER  ││  RELEASE#..:  0DAY-189
                    N/A  :....CRACKER  ││  DISKS.....:  27x5.00MB        
                    N/A  :.PROTECTION  ││  TYPE......:  VSTi               
                    Ugo  :....COMPANY  ││  OS........:  WIN                

    └--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._             _._┌·┐_┌─·┐_|______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·─--┘
           ┌┼┘└─·∙─[ rELEASE nOTES ]─∙·──│────┬+■─┘└+┬────░▒▒▓▐─·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·    └+∙─*·         ·*─∙+┘ : |  └·┘      └·┘           ·└··


                              Disturbance áv1.0                        
                Loop & sample mangling, glitching, randomizing         
           *Bug Report*: please see this thread in my forum about a    
           big rendering bug in Disturbance. A fix will be released    
          very soon. Until then, the slice length, filter, sequenced   
            pitch, and dirt sequencers can only be rendered in real    
          time, not offline. Again, I expect to have the fix for this  
                                released soon.                         
                   Disturbance is primarily intended for the           
          glitching/mangling of drum loops but it can also be useful   
            with melodic material, vocals, and pretty much anything    
                      else you want to get glitchy with.               
          Disturbance is similar to a slicer, but a bit different. It  
           works by chopping up a loop into 64 equal parts (no beat    
          detection), then sequencing their playback, and each slice   
                    in Disturbance has its own loop point.             
            In addition to offering several playback order options,    
           Disturbance also offers sequenced filtering, distortion,    
           pitch shifting, and slice length well as    
             various playback randomizations, dual delays, and non     
            sequenced pitch shifting which can even be set to track    
            MIDI note input, allowing you to turn anything you feed    
                  into Disturbance into a synth oscillator.            
             Disturbance can be used to create subtle or standard      
          variations and effects, or it can warp your source material  
            into something completely new. You can even adjust the     
           start and end points of the sequencer to help you create    
                           odd time signature loops.                   
          Additionally, you can even turn off the clock and use your   
             Modulation wheel (CC1) to move forwards and backwards     
                  through the loop, almost like a wavetable.           
                          Sequencer related features:                  
                           - Slice length reduction                    
                 - Filter cutoff (low or high pass filtering)          
                               - Pitch shifting                        
                - Dirt (distortion + downsampling + filtering)         
                                - Slice reverse                        
                                - Random slice                         
                        - 4 sequencer direction options                
                       - Mod wheel control over playback               
                           - Sequencer jitter effect                   
                       - Host BPM sync or internal clock               
                    - Sequencer start/end point adjustment             
                             Additional features:                      
                            - Built in file browser                    
                                 - Dual Delay                          
                            - Velocity sensitivity                     
           - Pitch Shifter with the option of fixed (non-sequenced)    
                setttings, MIDI note tracking, and portamento.         
               - 64 example/tutorial presets to get you started        

    └─--·■▓░■┌■─┐_|___:____┌───────┐_|__┌─■┐_._             _._┌─■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└───┬+■─┘└+┬─·─▌▓▒▒░─·───■──·∙─[ iNSTALL nOTES ]─∙·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·   └·┘      └·┘       └·┴──+· └+∙─*·         ·*─∙+┘   ·└··

                1. Unpack                                              
                2. Run setup.exe to install                            
                3. Try                                                 
                4. Buy the stuff if you like it and use it             

    └--─·■▓░■┌■─■┐_._        _._┌─+· |____┌─┐_:______|_┌─────────■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└─·∙─[─gRP-nEWS ]─∙·──┐└·──·■·──┬+■─┘└+┬───░▒▒▓█▐─·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·    └+∙─*·    ·*─∙+┘   |       └·┘      └·┘           ·└··

      AMPLiFY iNGREDiENTS: 1 cup of TALiO - 1 cup of AI - 1 cup of CoBaLT.
             Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes until set.
                           Let it cool and enjoy. :)

    └--─·■▓░■┌■·───┐_|______:_┌──────┐__|_┌─■┐_._         _._┌───■┐■░▓■·---┘
           ┌┼┘└──────┬+■─┘└+┬─∙─▌▓▒▒░─· │ │─·∙─[ gREETINGS ]─∙·-·┘└┼┐
         ··┘·      └·┘      └·┘      └─·+·|  └+∙─*·     ·*─∙+┘     ·└··

                     AiRISO, BSOUNDZ, DViSO, SPiRiT, TZ7iSO, BNT,
                                  AiR, ArCADE.

                Special Thanks To All The People That Support Us.
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■      ∙ ■            ■       ■              ■  ■   ∙         ■       ∙    ■
    ■               ∙       ■  [LU060928-AMPLiFY]        ■                 N/A ■


AMPLiFY presents keygen for Ugo Disturbance v1.0 VSTi

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