Download Time Flies v1.2 serial by FUTURiTY

Added to site2004-02-25
Votes12 (82640 bytes)

FUTURiTY.nfo 5487 1686
file_id.diz 1145 483
keygen.exe 191488 80217


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    ..               F U T U R i T Y         p r e s e n t s              :
    ::                                                                    +
    ''                    Time Flies v1.2 (c) Scolasoft                   .
  ::::.,....... ......,.... .....,..............  ...... .. ..__.,.... ...:;+
      Release# ...:: #694                      Release Date :: 01/18/04
      Protction ..:: Nags/Expires              Retail Value :: $14.99        
  .   Defeated by :: Serial                    # of Disks ..:: 3 x 2.88MB  +
  .                                                                        :
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  _ __ ________\     ___________  release notes  ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __

            Time Flies is an educational aid for children and adults 
            who are having difficulties reading analog clocks in an 
            ever increasing digital world. The main focus of Time Flies 
            is to teach children how to quickly & properly read analog 
            clocks as well as read both 12 hour and 24 hour based 
            digital clocks. 
            Includes Four activities which focus on reading analog 
            clocks in both 12 hour and 24 hour time systems as well as 
            three different types of printable works sheets loaded with 
            print options, great for teachers and parents!
                                   ___  _  ___  
                                   \  \/ \/  /                           
                               _____\(O) (O)/_ ____                
               ____________)\__\     \_,-,_/      /./(____________
  _ __ ________\     ___________  install notes  ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __

            1. Unzip, unrar, install.
            2. Use the following info to register:
               Name: FUTURiTY
               Serial: TF-FDCJ\-6840
            3. Enjoy :]
                                   ___  _  ___
                                   \  \/ \/  /
                               _____\ -   - /_ ____
               ____________)\__\     \_,-,_/      /./(____________
  _ __ ________\     ___________    group info   ____________    /______ _  __
   _  _ ___ ________\\  '-.._\  \_______________/  /_..-'   //________ ___ __
    :::    Team FUTURiTY was created April, 4th 2002 for one purpose to  :::
      .    have fun!  In the process we have released over 600 quality   .
     .:.   applications for you to enjoy!  We hope you enjoyed this     .:.
      :    release as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.             :
      .                                                                  .
     .:.                                                                .:.
      :    Contact Info:                                                 :
      .        If you need to get in contact with us you will know       .
      :        where to find us.......                                   :
      :                                                                  :
     .:.   Greetz Fly Out To:                                           .:.
      :       MYTH - DYNASTY - NLiSO - NLRiP - DEViANCE - RFL - dT       .
      :       ECLiPSE - CORE - TMG - ACiD - ORiON - ACME - ViRiLiTY      :
     .:.                                                                .:.
      :    Life is pleasant.                                             .
      .            Death is peaceful.                                    :
      :                       It's the transition that's troublesome.    :
      :               _______                     _______                ;
     :::             /___  /              __       \  ___\            :::
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    '......+...........  /_  : .. \\_____     \ .. :  _\  ................'
       ......... ...... .  \_ '-.__  |  )______\ .-' _/  ......,........
        '.............-....  '------ |   __\  ------'  ...............'
                           futurity  |___\   in 2004


[ Time Flies v1.2 (c) Scolasoft ]
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   :.    prepare to dress your tapeworms as pets    .:
   ::    [01/18/04]                      [xx/03]    ::
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