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-|------------------------|- - - - TFT!2011 - -.
- - -----..--------------------------- - - - - ----..-------- - -
|| ::: [ R e l e a s e . N o t e s ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
softWoRx Suite
Supplier...: The Force Team Release date......: 2011/02/19
Packager...: The Force Team Operating system..: WinAll
Protection.: License file
Size.......: 17x5.00MB
- - -----..--------------------------- - - - - ----..-------- - -
|| ::: [ D e s c r i p t i o n ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
softWoRx« Suite 2.0 is an advanced visualization and analysis software
which combines image viewing, processing and analysis tools with data
management software in an easy-to-use format. It now includes support
for 64-bit multi-threaded constrained iterative deconvolution.
Compatible with Windows 7.
Product Features:
Integrated image viewer and browser with real-time image preview,
channel select, Z and time control, on-screen channel, z and time
annotations, scaling tool with histogram, channel color tool, 4D
measurement and animation tools, data inspection, ROI, image "send
to", export and print functions as well as FTP and secure FTP
Deconvolution with image correction featuring the industry acclaimed
constrained iterative 3D image restoration and image correction. This
quantitatively validated deconvolution solution generates the most
accurate measure of sample fluorescence available.
File browser with FTP, DMS.
Custom batch mode operations.
- - -----..--------------------------- - - - - ----..-------- - -
|| ::: [ I n s t a l l a t i o n ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
1. Unpack the files.
2. Install the program.
3. Copy the contents from the TFT-directory to your installation
directory replacing any existing files.
...Enjoy - THE FORCE TEAM 2011!
- - -----..--------------------------- - - - - ----..-------- - -
|| ::: [ N e w s ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
* Would you like to join The Force Team ISO?
You think you can contribute?
You have one or more talents in:
- You can manually unpack applications with protections like
- You have good knowledge about cryptography, serial schemes,
License Managers like FlexLM, SentinelLM, SoftLM or hardware
dongles(Hasp4, NetHASP, HaspHL, Sentinel SuperPro, Ssprov2,
Hardlock etc.)
- You might be a programmer with good knowledge of ASM/C/C++
and can create tools for us from our instructions.
- You might be able to create trainers for new pc-games that
runs under Win9X/2K/XP.
- You are a coder who can code your own tools to automatically remove
commercial iso protections like the latest versions of any of the
following: SafeDisc, Securom, Tages, VOB, Laserlok, StarForce.
- You can supply new unreleased utils/games, maybe you work at a
game/util magazine, press/marketing company, warehouse, shop,
design firm, packing companystore, packing companystore,
language translation company etc
..contact us!
E-mail: [email protected]
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|| ::: [ G r e e t i n g s ] ::: ||
- - ----'`----------------- - - - - ----------'`---- - -
Fellow competitors and friends who's trying to keep the scene alive...
.-----. :::
.-----. : : .-----. ... ........ .......
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: |. | |. | | .| ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Even sweden has :
|| | |: | | || ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: legends -94 .::
:... |_____| || | |_____| . ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ...............::::
. . |_____| . . ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
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