Download Serials 2000 2k update by DTG

Added to site2003-12-31
Votes103 (108094 bytes)

dtg.030103/DTG.nfo 8986 1282
dtg.030103/030103.seu 34885 32248
dtg.030103/030103.seu.sig 66 66
dtg.030103/ 0 0
dtg.030103/info.txt 1590 810
dtg.030103/serialz updates and more.url 46 46 71 71
dtg.030103/update.exe 174080 72725


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                             \""(   DTG 2002/2003                         
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                  ***  SERIALS 2000 UPDATE o DTG@  ***                    
                  ***      DATATECH GROUP  o 2002  ***                    
           ***                                           ***              
           *                                               *              
           ***                                           ***              
   ******      THE NEW GENERATION OF SERIALS 2K UPDATES!      ******      
   ***  *                                                     *  ***      
   ***  *    cRaCKed By: n/a             Release #:030103     *  ***      
   ***                                                           ***      
   ***    DATE:03-01-03       WEB: http://WWW.DTG-GROUP.ORG      ***      
   ***                                                           ***      
   ***    SERiAL [Y]   KEyGEN [N]   REGPaTCH [N]   CRaCK [N]     ***      
   ***                                                           ***      
   ***                  * * * * * *  *  *  * *                   ***      
   *********************   RELEASE  NOTES:   ***********************      
     *                  * * *  *  *  *  *  * *                   *        
   ***  Datatech Group proudly presents the new era in updates.  ***      
   * *  We would like to stress however that we are NOT in any   * *      
   ***  way Serials 2000 crew,simply,we are filling the shoes    ***      
   * *  left empty by the planned retirement of the Original     * *      
   ***  crew of Serials 2000. Our updates are made FOR the DB    ***      
   * *  and are supported by DTG only. These updates are planned * *      
   ***  to be released on the 1st and the 15th of the month on   ***      
   * *  the same schedule as they have always been released.     * *      
   ***              -------Firewall-------                       ***      
     *                                                           *        
                * uAI THE CREW OF DATATECH GROUP  IAu *                   
                *                                     *                   
                *  FIREWALL...........FOUNDER/PACKER  *                   
                *                                     *                   
            *****  sKYWALKEr..........COUNCIL/CRACKER ******              
            *   *                                     *    *              
            *****  ROBBO..............COUNCIL/MIRROR  3*****              
                *                                     *                   
                *  ROCKSTAR...........COUNCIL/FORUM   *
                *                                     *
                *  Byte L0rd..........TRIAL MEMBER    *                   
                *     .-=  INFO  =-.                  *                   
                *                                     *                   
                *     we are in need of suppliers     *                   
                *     If interested email me at       *                   
          *******      [email protected]         *******             
          *     *                                     *     *             
          *     *                                     *     *             
     *************                                    *************       
     *          ***************************************           **      
     *                                                            **      
     *              SUBMIT : [email protected]            **      
     *                                                            **      
     *              VISIT US ; HTTP://WWW.DTG-GROUP.ORG           **      
     *                                                            **      
      **                                                        **        
      **       SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE:          **        
      **                                                        **        
      **                                                        **        
      **                                                        **        
      **  Critter--serials 2000              And many many more **        
      **                                                        **        
      **  ThundrKiss--serials2000               I am sure we    **        
      **                                                        **        
      **  Portal---serials2000                have not listed!  **        
      **                                                        **        
      **      Crew Of No Hassles                                **        
      **                                                        **        


~~~~~~~~~~~ english info ~~~~~~~~~~~ 

This file was downloaded from

Unzip the file (you probably already did) and open the enclosed 
*.nfo file with an editor to get further information.

Normally it should be sufficient to doubleclick the *.seu file to
apply the update. is an official serials 2000 update distributor!

Come to to get the official updates, that are
released every two weeks and tell your friends about

Thank you for visiting

Some of the update-files contain a dialer-software for pay-content.
If you decide to use it you will get access to the best hackertools
available and help to support paying the traffic bills.

~~~~~~~~~~~ deutsche info ~~~~~~~~~~ 

Diese Datei wurde von heruntergeladen.

Du musst alle Dateien entkomprimieren (hast du h÷chstwahrscheinlich
schon gemacht, wenn du diese Zeilen liest) und die beigefⁿgte *.nfo
Datei durchlesen um mehr Informationen zu erhalten.

Normalerweise sollte es jedoch reichen die *.seu Datei mit Doppelklick
zu starten und somit das Update anzulegen. is eine offizielle serials 2000 download seite!

Besuche um die regelmΣssigen Updates (normalerweise alle
2 Wochen) downzuloaden und erzΣhle alle deinen Freunden von

Danke, dass ihr besucht!

Jeder, der fⁿr einige Minuten den beigelegten Dialer nutzt, kann sich
gleichzeitig die besten Hackertools downloaden und hilft
die Trafficrechnung zu bezahlen.

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