-(o o)-
│ ReaL|sTy │
│ ----------------------- │
│ │
│ This Crack/Serial │
│ was Submitted here by : │
│ ReaL|sTy The CracKer │
│ Contact: │
│ [email protected] │
│ Enjoy!! :)) │
│ .oooO Oooo. │
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Program: Kaspersky AntiVirus Personal Pro v3.6.1.3 & 3.x.x.x
Url: http://www.kasperskylabs.com
Protection: Time Limit/Key File
CracKer: ReaL|sTy
Crack Type: Launchers
Crack Instructions:
extract the launchers into any directory you prefer, then select kaspersky.reg for your windows OS & run it. then make a shortcut to your avp monitor in the windows startup folder or start menu using the Launch avpm.exe & delete the one that says Kaspersky Anti-Virus Monitor.Ink.. then extract from avp.exe the key: avp.key into the avp shared files folder... usually is located here by default:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AVP Shared Files
or any other directory where you know the avp shared files is located! ;)
always run any of the applications using the launchers but do not rename the launchers to any other name..because then they won't work!!!
maybe some of you won't be able to use this crack..cot's many of you maybe don't even know how to apply cracks. do you? :p all depends of your skillz..and this is not hard.and beleive me you will be able to use kaspersky antivirus for unlimited time!! :))) of course,using the key i have provide with the launchers.
make sure to unistall any previous version if you don't have kaspersky antivirus installed in this directory(path): C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro
if you have it installed there...don't worry..but if you don't..you most install it there!!!
cot's if you don't , then the crack won't work neither.. unless you know how to edit the key file or registry :p if you know what i mean....
also something might change for some windows systems, all depends of the language of your windows OS, but what the fuck are you talking about??
lolll.. i'm talking about the AVP Shared Files folders.. for example even if you have Kaspersky AntiVirus Installed here:
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro
the AVP Shared Files Might be different if you're using a windows OS in SPanish... the folder(path) for a spanish windows OS will be this one:
C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\AVP Shared Files
got the point??
so you will have to edit the registry file : kaspersky.reg of the specified windows OS make right clic with the mouse and select edit, then modified the entry:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Shmeit Corp\NoLimit 2.0]
"avpupd path"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\AVP Shared Files\\avpupd.exe"
"avpupd date"="24/04/2001"
and where says: "avpupd path"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\AVP Shared Files\\avpupd.exe"
specify the directory.. and don't change anything else or you will fuck the registry file and then won't work like it should..so don't fucking blame me for your lame mistakes ,use your head to think!. then save the changes and apply it..as i've explain before.
that has to be done only if your Windows OS language is not in english... for all other windows OS languages ,maybe will have to be done like that.
that entry is for the avp updater launcher..so you most make it work if you really want to update the avp antivirus bases to detect latest viruses. also you can update the antivirus bases manually :))
this crack should work for future versions and any build unless they make many changes in the applications and their security method. also some components or names might be changed for a future version.. as soon as they'll find out about this kick ass crack!! but don't worry i'll try to update it as soon as possible if you notify me about it! :) yeap that's right.. they have black listed my other keys for 30 years, and now i've decided to come again with an unlimited time stuff..and kick their ass back and let them know.. that there's not way to stop Us!!! jejejeeje. this crack will be usefull if there's not key available and the key you have is expired..so now you will be able to use all components of KAV again and again!!! :)))
you will be able to use kasperky antivirus for all this time of this crazy lame world. :))
i have made the registry file for win 2k or xp manually so there's not garantee that it will work because windows 9x and 2k or xp has differents registry and maybe the registry file is missing some paramethers or information to work like it should for those windows OS's registry. so if don't work then manually import the information into the registry by regedit or any registry utility... use the shortcut i've made in case you will have to edit the registry just make double clic on Regedit.Ink and to check the values make right clic on it and select edit. as i have explained before.
this crack will need some VB runtime dll's if it ask you for any dll file don't get scare or worry..is cot's your system don't have it and you need it if you want to use this fucking crack!! for any missing dll's..you can get any of them from one of this sites:
put the dll in the launchers directory or your windows system path.
here: C:\Windows\System or here: C:\Windows\System32
for win 9x spanish users, you already might have kaspersky antivirus installed here already: C:\Archivos de programa\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro
so don't change anything as i have explained before and just run
Kaspersky For Win 9x in Spanish.reg
Enjoy!!! :)
Contact: [email protected]