Download 3D BLACKJACK trainer by CoKeBoTtLe
Added to site | 2002-12-31 |
Rating | 70/100 |
Votes | 2 | (86473 bytes)
name | size | compressed |
COKE.NFO | 6329 | 1037 |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 1596 | 337 |
ReadMe!.txt | 1103 | 614 |
Shortcut to Ultisoft's Card Games (Blackjack Poker and Solitaire Games).URL | 88 | 88 |
trainer.exe | 174080 | 83861 |
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3D BLACKJACK TRAINER 1.10 Serial: 275041 3D BlackJack Trainer uses a realistic-looking Blackjack table with animated cards to make the game as natural as possible. A long list of game options lets you tailor the house rules to your liking. The programs truly unique feature is its use of Microsoft Agent v1.5, installed with 3D BlackJack,to advise you along the way with a speaking, animated character (in the "Lite" version the character isn't animated) This tutor includes introductory and basic strategy tours. An optional training mode can help to teach you basic strategy, making recommendations as you play. The system also explains card counting and includes some training support,as well as strategy drills to firm up your decision making. Other features include statistics, custom and supplied strategies, optionb sets, background music, written information on playing Blackjack, and much more. Although you play 3D BlackJack on your PC, it's designed to prepare you for real casino play. |