Download CRT Telnet v2.0b serial

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes8 (121256 bytes)

mex-c4n.nfo 11327 2579
FILE_ID.DIZ 1037 295
keygen.exe 223744 118164


           ⁿNNNnNNNNNNNNNN ⁿNNNNⁿⁿNNN  NNNn                                       
           NNNNⁿNNNNⁿNNNN  NNNN  ⁿⁿⁿ  NNN  nNNNNNNNN   NNNNNNNNNN                
           NNN  NNNN NNNN  NNNNnnn     ⁿⁿ  NNN   NNNN  NNNN  NNNⁿ                
           NNN  NNNN NNNN  NNNN            ⁿNNnnNNNNN      nNNNⁿ                 
           NNN  NNNN NNNN  NNNN  nnn       nnnn  NNNN     NNNN                   
           NNN  NNNN NNNN nNNNNnnNNN       NNNNnNNNNⁿ   nNNNNn                   
                                            ⁿⁿⁿⁿⁿⁿⁿ     ⁿⁿⁿⁿⁿⁿ
    │ Mexelite `97             13/09/97                        [C4N] │
    │ We are a new Cracking Group for TNG of Crackers....            │
    │ We share knowledge about Modern Cracking which includes -      │
    │                                                                │
    │ Providing the tools nessesary, Writing Tutorials, Gather other │    
    │ Peoples Tutorial`s, Make our own Cracking test programs,       │ 
    │ Provide New/Old utilities to Crack, Take Cracking Requests,    │
    │ and generally Help Newbies...                                  │
    │                                                                │
    │ By using our #Cracking4Newbies Channel on EFFNET our Members   │
    │ will provide Advise on various techniques to use which will    │
    │ help you with cracking our Utilities of the Week.              │
    │                                                                │
    │ Our Channel Advisor`s and Tutor`s also teach various cracking  │
    │ techniques ranging from old DOS games, Patches & CD Checks to  │
    │ Serial number`s and Keygen makers.                             │
    │                                                                │
    │ Mexelite `97 also provide in-depth tutorials and How-to`s for  │
    │ various modern Cracking Strategies and we take requests from   │
    │ other Groups and Users alike.                                  │
    │                                                                │
    │ Our Channel Bots contain the various Tools, Texts, Tutorials   │
    │ our Latest Cracks and the Utility of the Week to Crack....     │
    │ You can even Request on the Bots or our Web Site for a program │
    │ to be cracked.                                                 │
    │                                                                │
    │ So come in to #Cracking4Newbies, or visit us at                │
    │ or     │
    │      or our Group Web Site           │
    │                  │
    │ Program : CRT 2.0b                                             │
    │ URL :                                  │
    │ Date Cracked : 09/15/97   - stardate clock out of order -      │
    │ Type :  Serial(x) Patch( ) Keygen( ) Unlock( ) Tutorial( )     │
    │ Program Type : Internet(x) Utility( ) Game( ) Other( )         │
    │ Cracked by : mpbaer                                            │
    │ Packed by : myself eh?                                         │
    │                      Cracking NOTES                            │
    │                                                                │ 
    │   Name...: mpbaer                                              │
    │   Company: me/c4n                                              │
    │   Serial.: 01-20-000001                                        │
    │   Expires: Never                                               │
    │   Key....: 5548 4260 0090 5304 1292                            │
    │                                                                │
    │                                             Have phun :)       │
    │                                                                │
    │    Position                 Name      Stat.        Email       │
    │                                                                │
    │  Founder/President :        JosephCo               J0c00l@     │
    │                                                                │
    │  Founder/V-Pres :           nIabI                  niabi@      │
    │                                                                │
    │  C4N Advisor/Cracker/TPE :  SasbenJr               sasben@     │
    │                                                                │
    │  C4N Tutor/Cracker :        Drlan                  drlan@      │
    │                                                                │
    │  C4N Tutor/Cracker :        YOSHi                  yoshi@      │
    │                                                                │ 
    │  C4N Tutor/Cracker :        p020      [IDLE]       xxxx@       │
    │                                                                │
    │  Coder :                    FaNt0m                 Anonymous@  │
    │                                                                │
    │  Coder/Cracker :            ^pain^                 xxxx@       │
    │                                                                │
    │  Cracker :                  Intruder               ramf@       │
    │                                                                │
    │  Cracker/Webmaster :         _CbD_                 cbd@        │
    │                                                                │
    │  Cracker :                  mpbaer                 _[mP]@      │
    │                                                                │
    │  Cracker :                  Corn2     [IDLE]       corn2@      │
    │                                                                │ 
    │  BotmAster :                GreenEvil              Green@      │
    │                                                                │
    │  Recruter :                 Deviant*               Deviant@    │
    │                                                                │
    │  TrialCracker :             SkeeDog*               Skee@       │
    │                                                                │
    │                  We are looking for another Botmaster          │
    │                  for our channels, in exchange we will teach   │
    │                  you how to Crack.                             │ 
    │                                                                │
    │                    Students in Training (+v)                   │
    │                             [SIT]                              │
    │                                                                │
    │  GrimL0ck,|FRESH|*,Sung*                                       │
    │                                                                │
    │                                                                │
    │ Greets :  +GreyThorne, Xygorf, KrazyN, StarFury, Razzi,        │
    │           DeadList, _random,tHATDUDE                           │
    │                                                                │
    │ Personal Greets to : all in me'97,the ppl in #cracking4newbies,│
    │                      blorght,jes,Kate^Moss,Krazy_N,Killa,MDS,  │
    │                      Plushmm,Razzia,_random,zPot .....         │
    │                                                                │
    │ Group Greets :  Revolt, Heritage, UCF, PC97, Pentium, CRC32,   │
    │                 Pinnacle.                                      │
    │                                                                │
    │                                                                │
    │               A WORD FROM MExElitE/C4N "PLEASE" READ           │
    │  PLEASE if you like/use this software consider buying it       │
    │  Programmers need ALL the support they can get so please BUY   │
    │  the software after 30 day use (cracked or uncracked) else     │
    │  DELETE IT.                                                    │
    │                                                                │
    │  These cracks ARE NOT illegal to have or make but they are if  │ 
    │  you use them, so in other words - if u use it it's your prob  │
    │  and not the cracker's or group's !! So don't go blaming me or │
    │  ANY other cracker of your stupidnes.                          │ 
    │                                                                │
    │  We are in this for fun and knowledge and not for pirating     │ 
    │  software or I-Net vandalism we don't even support pirating    │
    │  but it happens ! :-( if we are on WareZ groups we are as      │
    │  crackers and still use it for FUN and knowledge.              │
    │                                                   nIabI        │
    │                           NEWS                                 │
    │ JosephCo has learned how to do keygens !! and he is goin to    │
    │ write a tut soon so be prepared cause Mexelite is coming       │
    │ better than ever and we still be growing !!!!                  │
    │                                                                │
    │ Warnings to: p020,Intruder                                     │
    │ If your not in this NFO it`s maybe because you where idle for  │
    │ more than 2 weeks! If you are sure you haven`t and still think │
    │ you should be on this NFO then /msg any op in                  │
    │ #cracking4newbies or #mexelite97                               │
    │Note: Idle means just that, Get to work!                        │
    │      Two weeks of being inactive in the channel                │
    │      and your off, [WRNG] Means Warning to being kicked by X   │ 
    │      Reason's.                                                 │ 
    │Note2: * Means NEW member or just added to this NFO.            │
    │                                                   - JosephCo   │


┌───────────────────────────────────────win 95/NT──┐
│  ╔════════════════════════════════════════════╗  │       
│  ║   ▄                                        ║  │
│  ║  ▒██▓   ▄  ▒██████████▓  -m·E·X·e·L·I·T·E- ║  │
│  ║  ▒█▓█▓ ▒██▓ ▒█▓                            ║  │
│  ║  ▒█▓▒█▓▒█▓█▓ ▒█▓                 &         ║  │
│  ║  ▒█▓ ▒█▓█▓▒█▓ ▒█████▓                      ║  │
│  ║  ▒█▓  ▒██▓ ▒█▓ ▒█▓            -c·4·n-      ║  │
│  ║  ▒█▓   ▒█▓  ▒█▓ ▒█▓                        ║  │
│  ║ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄  ▒█▓ ▒████████▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▒ ▒ ▒'97 ║  │
│  ║             ■ ▄ ▄ ▄ proudly present ▄ ▄ ▄  ║  │
│  ╚════════════════════════════════════════════╝  │
│                                                  │
│               CRT 2.0b  ::: serial               │
│           Cracked by mpbaer [Me'97/C4N]          │
│                                                  │
│     Visit us in #cracking4newbies on EFNET.      │

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