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: :
: :
: Express Archiver v2.0 Incl. Keygen (c) BDC :
: :
: :
: rELEASe dATe [....10-12-2002] - pROGRAm tYPe [.......Utility] :
: cRACKEr [.......EPSiLON Team] - pROTECTIOn [...Serial number] :
: sUPPLiEr [......EPSiLON Team] - dISKS nUMBERs [....01*2.88Mo] :
: pACKAGEr [......EPSiLON Team] - oS [................WinAll] :
: tESTEr [........EPSiLON Team] - diSKSEt iNFOs [...epsxpar2.zip] :
: :
:......... .......................:
: :
. ∙ . : ................. ... . . :.......................
∙ `.: : :
: :
` .......: r ─ E ─ L ─ E ─ A ─ S ─ E i ─ N ─ F ─ O ─ s :
' ∙ ' :
. :
∙ :
: It is a Windows shareware for viewing and extracting mails :
: from original Outlook Express files (.dbx files). :
: Express Archiver reads Outlook Express 5.0 and up files :
: only. :
: Express Archiver can : :
: :
: decode, view, save, extract or export all mails of each :
: folder, including newsgroup messages :
: maintain a simple but well organized archive which you can :
: customize, save on CD, etc... :
: archive your mails so that they are accessible to any :
: browser on any platform :
: decode attachments :
: maintain a list of all contacts in your messages :
: export all addresses from all your messages :
: filter your mails according to text, sender, date, ... :
: access all folders of all identities registered in :
: Outlook« Express :
: open individual .dbx file :
: view the MIME structure of the messages :
: more... :
: :
: With Express Archiver, you can backup all or part of your :
: mails in an easy and custom way. The current version can :
: read mails from Outlook Express 5 or above. The options :
: are : :
: :
: should one mail or all a folder mails or all folders be :
: saved ? :
: should the attachments be saved and should they all be :
: saved in a unique directory ? :
: should messages be saved as source files or should the :
: content be decoded as text (plain or html, depending on :
: the encoding) with separated files for each attachment? :
: :
: With Express Archiver you can view mails with a greater :
: security :
: :
: With Express Archiver, you can view the source of any mail :
: without "executing" it in the viewing window, as does :
: Outlook Express. :
: This way, you avoid opening well known - or soon to be :
: well known... - security holes to viruses. This is :
: particularly important to system managers wanting to :
: recover from a virus attack. :
: :
:....................... .........:
: :
.......................: . . ... ................. : . ∙ .
: : :.` ∙
: :
: i ─ N ─ S ─ T ─ A ─ L ─ L i ─ N ─ F ─ O ─ s :....... `
: ' ∙ '
: .
: ∙
: Unzip/Unrar the archives into a temporary directory on :
: your HD, then install. :
: Generate a valid serial with our Keygen to remove the :
: shareware restrictions. :
: :
:......... .......................:
: :
. ∙ . : ................. ... . . :.......................
∙ `.: : :
: :
` .......: t ─ H ─ e w ─ A ─ L ─ l :
' ∙ ' :
. In this new section of our nfo file, members can express :
their thoughts over various topics , write love letters :
∙ or hate letters or just say bullshit or whatever. :
: :
: :
: ─ 08/12/02 : Let's begin this with a great but sad news : :
: another stealing affair. We recently discovered that :
: one of the members of a group called TSRh steals our :
: keygenerators. Indeed, the so-called "aZZaZZeLLo" lamer :
: takes our keygenerators and simply changes the resources. :
: We only picked up a few examples : TVTool, Easy Screen :
: Capture.. go to TRSh website if you want more examples : :
: http://zor.org/tsrh/ :
: We noticed he released not-so-easy keymakers that other :
: scene groups have released too, so if you want to find :
: out if you have been cheated, go check it out yourself. :
: Ahhh, I already hear voices coming to my ears .. :
: "but WTF cares, it's not a scene group" :
: First i wanna say other TRSh members seem to be honest :
: crackers. Secondly, aZZaZZeLLo is linked to the scene :
: since some group called ENERGY works with TRSh, hence with :
: aZZaZZeLLo. I heard ENERGY ain't dead yet, but only :
: "sleeping", so i'm warning you guys, since you and the :
: rest of TRSh have been cheated. Be careful, cause people :
: will pay a lot more attention to your releases now. :
: :
: ─ 08/12/02 : Anne je t'aime! :
: :
: ─ 08/21/02 : avec ma motobylette je suis le roi :
: a la course aucun tracteur me bat :
: Leech Moi_Lui_et_Les_Autres-Noucky-FR-2002-TTIG, serve :
: cold with a barrel of beer :
: :
:....................... .........:
: :
.......................: . . ... ................. : . ∙ .
: : :.` ∙
: :
: g ─ R ─ E ─ E ─ T ─ i ─ N ─ G ─ s :....... `
: ' ∙ '
: ∙